
Bladder problems since giving birth?

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hi daughter is two in a couple of days and still now im having terrible bladder problems,have done since she was comes on suddenly and as daft as this may sound i kinda have to dive on my feet,but then im stuck there ages before i get chance to go and then when i do go,very little comes out but if i stand up it just practically falls outta me. im sorry for being so gross but would just like some advice.

have been to the doctors many many times.having physio which is useless.she said there was absolutly nothin wrong with my pelvic floor muscles and that there was no infections,blah blah blah and then sent me away with a tens machine and some physio started 8 months ago and i only see her once a month.there has been no improvement what so ever and i didnt go last time cause im fed up wiv being asked the same uestions and no help actually being given.its so embarrassing,when im out or at work n av to rush to the toilet.i work with a alot of customers too,and the risk is just so big.

my daughter and i were taking a walk to the shops the other day and aload of wee ( sorry again) just literally came out,i didnt even feel it until the wet was down my legs.i was wearing light blue jeans at the time and its never even a small amount that a pad could maybe hide,its quite abit unless ive had to hold it,if that makes really would have to have been blind at the time to not have seen it. i was running home crying and some guys in a car drove past shouting tramp and dirty jippo.i really did just want to die at that moment.ive had soo many problems since giving birth and thankfully theres only two remaining,this is obviously one of them,not going to doctors again as they make me feel like ****.just want to speak to someone else who maybe suffered this and can bring me some hope.

sorry again




  1. Try the Gyn-Flex or KegelMaster.  It can be ordered online.  It's about $40 for a set of 2 (2 different resistances), but it's supposed to be awesome for bladder problems.  

    When we have babies all those pelvic floor muscles just weaken.  The Gyn-Flex is like a SUPER Kegel.  It just adds resistance so that the exercise is more effective.  It also increases blood flow to that "area" which makes s*x more enjoyable. I bet Daddy would appreciate that too.  

    It just tightens everything up.  You have do be pretty good about doing it, just like any other muscle.  You can't do it for a week and expect everything to be better.  It will take time, but will be totally worth it.

  2. Hi, I have the exact same problem as you but I've suffered with it for 6yrs!  It's got worse since I had my 2nd child 2yrs ago - I've just got my 1st appointment with physio for the end of the month.

    When I went to see the doctor she told me that they could do an operation - But only if I was done having kids, as it getting pregnant would undo the operation - so I want to try physio first as I'm only 25.

    Can you get a second opinion? I know that you can get injections that help the bladder's muscles but it's for a certain type of incontinence.

    Here's a few links to info I found useful, I hope it helps you:




  3. Hun just read thi answer i posted to another lady it will help.Also try this link too anoth question that might help you.

  4. My best girlfriend had this problem. Is it possible that the birth of your daughter is just a coincidence and didn't actually cause this problem? My friend eventually found out (after 3 yrs. and 10 docs) that she had a tumor in her bladder that a couple MRI's and ultrasounds had missed. I am sorry for what you're going through and I hope the link below may give you some ideas at finding a solution or diagnosis.  

  5. has any doctor actually looked to see what may be happening within the muscles that control that whole area of your body? sounds to me that it's a muscle problem. as though having a baby stretched out your muscles too much. or you aren't able to control the muscles in that area anymore. or at least not unless you are in the standing position.

  6. My mom had this problem after she had a hysterectomy. Her bladder had herniated into the space where her uterus used to be. This could be happening. Have them do a MRI or ultrasound with you standing up instead of lying down. Then they might be able to see what the bladder looks like when you can actually "go" instead of when you're lying down.

  7. Kegel exercises!!! look it up, they are proven to work. Have not suffered from bladder problems myself, but I do my exercises everytime I go to the toilet, for years now.

    EDIT: oh I just remembered something. there was this one woman on tv, she had the EXACT same problem with you. it was on some "embarassing body doctor" show. and they called it hypersensitive bladder or something like that. they treated her with botox in the bladder and she was cured! see a specialist, maybe the botox will help you!

  8. Ask for a second opinion or see a different doctor.

    If pelvic floor exercises aren't doing it for you then you need surgery.

    Nowadays they do a bladder sling -kind of elastic band procedure to hoist up the dropped bits.

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