
Bleaching fabric...?

by  |  earlier

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Okay, since I now know dying would just mess up my pants. I would like to ask how should I bleach my pants to get them an ecru/beige color. Don't ask me why, don't tell me to go get new pants, believe me, if that were a choice, it would have been done. Picture of the pants, exact pair. It's like 97% cotton btw the rest is spandex I think.*x.gif

Really dark >______<'


Will bleaching the fabric ruin it? Or thin or weaken it to the point where it's limpy? What is the most likely outcome of the pants when I'm done? Colorwise and the fabric. How many times will I have to bleach it to my desired color? Best bleach for doing something like this? Should I wash it(to fade it?) first then bleach it? So I don't have to bleach it as much? Will bleaching it change the tone? like a brown taupe to a green taupe? How I hate non camo green taupe pants.




  1. Its impossible to know what color the pants will go to when you bleach them; it really depends on the dye the manufacturers used, among other factors.

    As to the bleaching, yes, there is a major potential that the pants will be ruined. The bleach will certainly weaken the material.

    By best advice is that you should test an unseen area (inside of waistband?) with extremely diluted bleach solution. You can always bleach it more, you cannot undo the process. You may need to apply the bleach several times in order to get the desired lightness. Doing this tester area will also show you the color/tone you will get. Then do the whole pants.

    Good luck, there is a very good chance the pants will not turn out well or be ruined by the process, but good luck, regardless.

  2. Bleaching black fabric turns it an odd orange color. Something you wouldn&#039;t want to wear, jeans bleach much better.

  3. Right.  I was thinking, why does she want to dye her knickers? (Pants means underwear in the UK)

    Firstly, excessive bleaching will cause the fabric to rot. You could try soaking them in Nappisan a few times, before washing.  Find the largest bowl you can, dilute the product first and then fold the trousers into the liquid, making sure all the fabric is wet.  The best advice I can give to avoid ruining your nice clothes, is to contact your nearest fabric retailer and ask them if they have any fabric lightening products or dye remover.
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