
Blending in in Paris?

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I'm taking a trip to Paris in a couple of months, however I don't want to look like a tourist and I'd rather blend in as much as I can. I'm bringing some Lacoste clothes and darker pants, and a leather YSL jacket and a jacket by The North Face. Do you think this will appear somewhat normal or will I be sticking out like a sore thumb with wearing the north face and such?




  1. Don't believe the other answer... you DO stick out like a sore thumb if you are coming from AmeriKa.  The only AmeriKans who don't believe they stick out are AmeriKans who have never LIVED in Paris... or any other country.

    When I was at University in England, we would go over to Stratford-upon-Avon on a sunday, drink coffee and eat scones and play "Spot the AmeriKan".

    The BEST WAY to blend in is to take an EMPTY suitcase or backpack.  Then, once you get to Paris, go to the Oxfams or the Galerie de la Reines or any of the other used clothing stores and BUY USED FRENCH CLOTHING... it is clean and it is cheap and IT IS FRENCH.  AND... don't forget the SHOES... you can look French from the ankles up but if you have AmeriKan shoes on, they will still spot you like a park pigeon.

  2. Americans tend to stick out because of their behavior and their language rather than by their clothing.

    Especially among young people, clothing styles are globalized.

    Last October I made a point of stopping everyone who I met wearing something with a Univerisity of Texas or Texas A&M logo and inquiring where they were from. In every case, they turned out to be French. I could of done the same with UCLA logos except I would have had time to do nothing else.

    Take a look at this little video from Paris Zoom TV of a Left Bank club. Notice what people are wearing. Does anything seem so different?

    Furthermore, no one, except the occassional moron who likes to talk about "spotting Americans" will care.

    Paris has millions of visitors every year. No one in his right mind has either the time or inclination to fret about where you are from.

  3. Not needed, I did the same thing when I went in May. Believe or not there no different then you. Everyone was in jeans and tops specially around the attractions. Plus its tourist season you will blend in better with the tourists than you would with the residents.
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