
Blind man identifies wood.....?

by  |  earlier

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A blind man goes into a wood yard for a job saying he could identify different types of wood by smelling it.

So they decide to test him on it and place different types of wood in front of him on the table and each time he guesses it right.

So to try and catch him out the boss gets the secretary to lie down naked on the table, the blind man bends down and smells then he asks for the wood to be turned over and says-

"Ah! you can't fool me that's an old sh*thouse door off a tuna boat. "




  1. That's a pretty good joke! Come to my Yo Mama page!

  2. This creates a great visual, very funny, great stuff...!

  3. ahahaha!!!!!

    that was!!


    well i laughed!!!!!

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