
Block schedule in high school?

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So I'm going to start school at a high school that has a block schedule and I don't really understand it. How do I have electives if I only have four classes?




  1. okay, so you are in the same boat as me !!!

    okay so lets say you are on a two semester year, like me.

    Semester 1, September-February

    You will two core classes (ex. math science) and two electives (ex. band, home ec) you will have all of your math, science, and electives done by the end of January, then you move on two Semester 2. At the end of semester 1, you will have the final exams for math and science.

    Semester 2: Feb-June

    You will have your other two core classes (ex. social and language arts) And your other electives (or they might be the same) At the end of semester 2, you will have a final exam for la and social.

    Hope this helped, yours may be a bit different, but this is generally how a 4 block program works, at least at my school.  

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