
Blog/lol what does it mean?

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what does blog and lol mean




  1. Blog = Web Log. An online diary or editorial. Mostly someones opinion on a particular subject or an event catalog of their lives. But, my contain any subject under the sun.

    lol = Laugh Out Loud

  2. lol                          laugh out load

  3. A blog is basically a public diary. Anyone can get a blog and use it to post anything from their life's story, to news on their city, to their opinions on things.

    You can get a blog at or or many other sites.

    lol means Laugh Out Loud.

    There are more acronims you will run into on the internet such as

    ROFL  (rolling on floor laughing)

    or even

    roflmfao (rolling on floor laughing my f***ing a** off.

    There is also

    BRB which means be right back.

    If you talk to someone who chats a lot, you might run into stuff like "lolz" and "brbness" and "Kib"  kib means k i'm back, and if they add "z" or "ness" it's just their way of spicing up the conversation a little. Hope this helps!

  4. "lol"

    Means to laugh out loud, lots of laughter, laughing out loud. Stuff like that.

    A blog is just basically an online diary. One types their thoughts and ideas into a blog for others to see.


  5. Blog is a journal or diary you can write about and the LOL means ''laugh out loud''

    But it also can stand for ''lots of love''

    But as a rule it is ''laugh out loud''

    Blogs can be about anything you want to write about.

    This means  ''web log''

  6. it means Web Log......BLOG for short

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