
Blogs on 360???

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What are the most common uses for blogs??




  1. Idk? To express yourself!

  2. Hi there

    That depends on you, your mood your personality etc.

    Some people blog about intelectual things, others about ramblings that go on in their daily lives, others blog music, recepies, pictures ....

    The possibilities are endless ... just go out there , let your hair down and have fun.

    Good Luck to you.

  3. I write mine to keep my friends/family updated on my activities and thoughts. I also test out 360 features on one of them. I express myself better in writing. People read blogs out of curiosity about other people's lives and opinions.

    A good blog to me:

    1) Mainly, is one that is authentic. Your thoughts, your creative background, your interests - there's only one "you," so be expressive! I know, that's corny, but it's true.

    2) Keep it updated.

    3) Theme... is your blog a commentary on the latest news? Is it a diatribe about activities in your daily life? Is it only about your pet's quirks? A theme isn't necessary, but a purpose helps. Now, if you just want to write anything that comes to mind, well, try to make it sound like an interesting read.

    4) A sense of fun - humor always helps.

    See the 360 team post on "How to blog":

    See the 360 team post on "What makes a 360 page interesting?":

    Press release that explains "What is yahoo 360?":

  4. To express what you feel
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