
Blood Tests...very nervous?

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So I've waited all this past weekend from Friday to Monday to get an opportunity to get an appointment for my dog Patch since the clinic was closed for Labor Day Holiday,

see this resolved question for details:;_ylt=Aj6p9wjET6o86yuMgW5dLfDty6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20080828150604AApXAdI

We called this morning and got him in for this afternoon. They are doing us a favor actually..since they were booked for Tues after Labor day they are making room for us...I love my vet, and *MY* vet is back in office, not that other one that I dislike.

I've tried all weekend to get my mind off it by asking unrelated questions here, or housework, etc.

but I can't help it!, I'm just so nervous! I have no idea how long it will take to get back results...what they might find etc.

I'm trying not to be nervous though cause that just sets my dogs into a nervous prance around the house all day, plus my kids can tell too.

He's still not showing any outward signs of distress (except the weight loss), but I'm im still worried.

Can anyone tell me how long it will take for the results to be back? What are some things they check (besides kidneys and liver, I know that already)?

and HOW do I stop worrying so much!





  1. Depends on what lab they send it too and if the lab is backed up, but normally you should have results back in 5-7 days. If they are backed up it can be as long as 10 days.

    Blood test ran also depends on what your vet is checking for. For weight loss I would expect them to do a full panel with a T4 ( thyroid) and a CBC. They usually check Liver, Kidneys, Glucose (Diabetes), Pancreatic enzymes, Electrolytes. Sometimes they will also check Thyroid levels and a CBC which is a Complete Blood Count and sometimes also the Cortisol Levels. Ask your vet what test they are wanting to run and the reason he wants to check it. Hope this helps

  2. It really depends on the vet. Some have in-house labs where you can get the results the same day. This is often only a specialist though. Others can send them to a lab express and still have the answers the same day. My vet did this for me before. It costs a tad more, but I had my results in I believe about 4 hours. Others it can take a few days or even more. It will vary depending on what resources your vet has available to him. Ask when you go in how long the result will be. If it's going to be a few days ask if it's possible to get them quicker if you pay more. This is not always available though. I know my vet can get it done because he himself is a specialist and can pull a few strings. I would ask for all the tests to be run up front. Okay it will cost more, but why get 2 lots of tests done with double the wait time. You are obviously very concerned so just ask for the thyroid and heart worm to be done too.

    I'm sure one of the things he will also test for is diabetes as that causes rapid weight loss.

    However long it's going to take try not to worry too much. I know it's easier said than done. Worry will achieve nothing though and just probably stress out your dog as well as yourself. It won't change the results whatever.

    Good luck and hang in there. The waiting is the worst. Once you know what you are dealing with then you can work on the solution. I'm praying it's nothing serious. Please let us know the results when they are in too.

  3. He will be fine don't worrie about it :D x

  4. I'm sorry hon! I know you're probably sick with worry!

    I know it takes a couple days for results to be back if your vet doesn't have a lab in house.

    I'll be praying for your pooch.



  5. You pup will be just fine, he might feel a little sting and be confused but he will be okay. :)

  6. The waiting games is no fun at all.  Think about it this way... would you be more worried if your dog got sicker and you didn't know why?  Or would it be better to find out what is wrong and then come up with a game plan with your vet to fix it.

    No one wants to know the bad news... but your mind will be at ease when you know the results. The outcome could be alot worse not knowing.

    We love them so much... I hope everything is okay.

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