
Blood donation testing

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I gave blood today and was just wondering when you give blood what do they test for. If something abnormal came up, for example a low blood count, would they let you know or is your donation kept anonymous.




  1. Yes..your blood is tested for all infectious diseases, of course the type, and a CBC and some even run a cholesterol for you.  They will let you know if they find something abnormal.  And they check your CBC to make sure all counts are good so your donation will contribute to a patient.  Your donation is anonymous other than one at the hospital, the person who receives it, etc will no where it came from.  

  2. Yes, if you had an abnormal result you would be notified (like a communicable disease, like HIV).

    Blood donation centers are subject to the same HIPPA laws as doctors and hospitals. Your blood usually has a barcode that is connected to your information, and there is usually a  nurse or doctor that deals with abnormal results.

  3. After donation, the Blood is tested for such blood-borne agents as HIV, hepatitis and syphilis
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