
Blood pregnancy tests---??

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So this may sound dumb. But I was wondering a few things about pregnancy test through blood.

--Does any one know the basic cost of it? I mean I'm sure different labs charge different prices. I have health insurance but I pay 20% of the cost and was just wondering!

--Also.My period was on July 13-17 I ovulated around July 29- August 1st and I SHOULD have a 32 day cycle. I am now in cycle day 38 w/ no period and negative hpt's. So I KNOW something has to happen b/c I ovulated! That leads to either a period or pregnancy. They always say luteal phases (days after ovulation) are only as long as 16 days and it has been 21 since ovulation. I am exhibiting some signs of pregnancy or menstruation like increased CM, tiredness,swollen tender breast, hungry but feel gaggy when I eat, short circuited, head aches, achy body and more that are needless to list.

The point to all of that is asking after 6 days of a missed period and negative hpts is a blood test even necessary? I mean could I still be pregnant and the home test not pick it up?

My last pregnancy was a miscarriage and picked up on HPT.





  1. sorry to hear about your loss, and i hope you get a positive on your blood test, the cost will vary from city to city, but it should be more than $50, you can also ask a fertility specialist online for free for advice, try

    good luck!!

  2. umm not sure where you live but i have never had to pay for a blood test that a dr sent me to including a pregnancy one so im not sure yes the home test may not be picking it up with my first it didnt pick it up thru the whole pregnancy so maybe go to a drs and see what they say as its been known for hpt to be neg yet you still are good luck  

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