
Bloody toilet?should i be concerned?

by  |  earlier

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okay this may sound a bit gross but every time i go to the toilet

i feel like i need to push a poo out but instead a tiny lil poo comes out and the toilet is filled with blood there is no pain just a lot of blood and i ddon'thave my period what could it be and do you think i should be concerned its only started in the last 2 days i dnt feel dizzy or weak so iam not losing alot of blood




  1. Might be a hemorrhoid. If it is bright red blood it is probably a hemorrhoid. If it is dark red blood and has a foul odor you may have a lower GI bleed (bleeding somewhere in your colon). If is dark red blood you need to go to the doctor. Lower GI bleeds can lead to anemia if you let it go to long. If is  bright red blood, you may just need some Preparation H.

  2. The blood may be because you're straining, but it sounds like you're constipated.  Use a mild laxative and increase your fluids and fiber intake.  Make an appointment with your doctor.  If the bleeding gets worse, go to the ER.

  3. As the previous poster said, get to the doctor.  There is definitely some kind of internal bleeding - probably in your digestive tract somewhere.  Whatever it is, this can not be good.  

  4. GO TO THE DOCTER...NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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