
Bloomin' holey O-zone!!?

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Jings, another day o' pissin' rain and howlin' gales. is this the future wi' us ruinin' the O-Zone?? Is there a quick fix? It's gettin' offy depressin' day eftur day. Maybe we should up sticks and move tae another country( in the U.K. jist noo). Cheer me up please!!!!!!!!!!!!!




  1. bloody same here Ange, it's the gales that p**s me aff the maist!

  2. You can blame La Nina for much of the wet weather in the UK  this winter. (Actually today was quite warm and dry where I live (Yorkshire), guess you must be in the NW or Scotland.)

    There is a fairly strong La Nina at present [strongest since 1988/89) that is expected to last for a while yet. And no-one said we would stop having seasons. The severe conditions this winter in regions across the world are consistent with past La Ninas.

    La Nina general:

    “The current La Nina is expected to result in above-average precipitation in the northern Rockies, the Pacific Northwest, the Ohio and Tennessee valleys, and parts of the Great Lakes region. Below-average precipitation is expected across most of the South, particularly in the south-eastern states.”

    If the temperature drops below zero then that precipitation falls as snow.

    “This year’s La Niña is likely to turn out to be the strongest we’ve had since 1988-89, about 1.5C (2.7F) cooler than normal. It has a big effect on global climate, temporarily cooling the globe despite global warming,” says the [UK’s] Met Office. As La Niña cools the Pacific, less warm air rises off the sea, which has an impact on the atmosphere. The impact of La Niña on a global scale is like a pebble dropped in a pond; waves travel out from the source of La Niña and interact with the jet stream which also affects the UK and Europe,”

    So this winter’s heavy rainfall in the UK can be blamed on La Nina too. And no-one has ever said we'd stop having seasons.

    PS: I'm expecting rainfall to rise in the next few decades, a warmer atmosphere holds more water vapour and more evaporates from the oceans. It has to go somewhere...

  3. Hey it could be worse we could be over run with immigrants as well.

  4. we have had 2 dry days this year down in wet wales, u been watching batman and robin

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