
Blu-Ray DVD Players?

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I just bought a Sony HD/LCD 1080P.(xbr5)

Now I want to buy a blu-ray dvd player to go with it.

I heard I also need to buy a HDMI cable. Is that the thing called "Monster cable"?

When the blu-ray player plays on a regular dvd disc, do I still get the same quality picture as the blu ray dvd disc?




  1. PS3 is a good Blu-Ray Player

  2. to answer your 1st question, HDMI cable can be brand name or generic (standard/comes-with-the-box). you will need that for the connection between the bd player and the tv at the optinmun viewing. don't let merchant pressuring you to get a monster cable. tests shows monster is not superior for viewing comparing to generic HDMI cable. go to and search monster cable and decide for yourself.

    i doubt the dvd disc will have the same viewing quality vesus blu ray (using the same player). so blu ray will look better compare to dvd hands down.

  3. you don't have to buy a monster cable, they are too expensive for nothing.  A middle priced brand would be enough.

    If playing a normal DVD would be the same as a High Def Blue ray dvd there would not have any needs for Blue ray dvds..

    BUT the Blue ray might UPconvert the normal def dvd  and make it a bit better.

  4. You should look in to getting a PS3 which comes with a blu-ray player and costs the same as a stand alone blue-ray player.

    You can use HDMI or component cables.  Monster cables are very expensive and if you are using HDMI it is absolutely not worth the price - it is a digital signal so as long as the 1's and 0's get through it doesn't matter if it is gold plated or not...

    The blu-ray player will upscale regular dvd's and they will look slightly better - but it is not hd quality.

  5. You do need to buy an HDMI cable but it doesn't have to be the hundred dollar monster cable.

    And to answer your second question, no dvd's do not have the same quality as blu-ray. Blu-ray are a hundred time more enjoyable. Clearer image and the colors pop out even more. Over all a richer picture. You'll be amazed, I was.
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