
Blu ray or hd?

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what is the difference? which one is better? and why?




  1. Blu-ray hands down. Most of the major studio companies support Blu-Ray (with the exception of Paramount and Dreamworks), which means much more titles and broader selection. Blu-Ray discs also support much more data storage than HD-DVD's. The only downside is that Blu-Ray players are really expensive at the moment.. hey, but you can always get a PS3.

  2. Which ever none of us will be able to tell the difference.

  3. Quality-wise blu-ray is better, the discs offer almost double the capacity (25GB v 15GB on a single layer disc).  The major differences come in offering.  Microsoft, paramount, universal, and warner bros are standing behind HDDVD.  Sony, MGM, and Disney are standing behind Blu-Ray.  Current I own Blu-Ray because the Playstation 3 comes with a Blu-ray player which makes it a no brainer.

  4. HD and blu-ray, because I just figured out that my laptop can play hd-dvds and my ps3 can play blu-ray. So they both come out on top.

  5. i say blu ray.

    its clearer, and everything coming out is becoming blu ray.

    i was actually at the store the other day, and they suggest blu ray as well because of the quality.

    hd is also very good though.

  6. Here i go...... Blu Ray vs HD DVD, in my professional opinion (this is my opinion so dont get all pissy on me HD DVD fans) i think ... Blu Ray had a knock out puch on HD DVD a couple of days ago when Warner Brothers and New Line Cinema switched over to Blu Ray and left HD DVD hanging.. this is what it comes down to... forget about the "Beta ~ VHS wars" (the comparison that everyone use's) what it really should be compared to is "David and Goliath" .. let me explain. For one we have to 3 "S's" (Sony, Samsung, Sharp) not to mention panasonic, phillips, pioneer, and LG (no im not counting the dual Blu ray / HD DVD LG player.) That is 7 of the biggest names in the industry who went with Blu Ray. With HD DVD you get the mighty Toshiba (and RCA if you even want to consider them) **BUT** lets not forget Microsoft who supports the HD DVD with their Xbox 360 add on (microsoft could buy out all film companies to go to HD DVD if they wanted to keep in mind, then Blu Ray would be finished for good) but to be honest microsoft seems like it could care less so it doesnt help the HD DVD system at all. bottom line... HD DVD is just out numbered by companies who produce blu ray and also film companies who have gone with blu ray..

  7. blu ray fool! its clearer! sounds better! get a PS3 it's cheaper than gettind the blu ray player.

  8. hd more better graphics

  9. I'm still in a dilemma re video- DVD

  10. blu ray seems to be winning.  

    it also has better picture.  

    Blu Ray is the one to buy now since more companies are releasing compatible content.

  11. The biggest difference is the storage size. Other then that they are both virtualy the same other then the movies produced. Blu ray has a higher storage capacity meaning you can put more things on the disc. (uncompressed audio and video, special features etc.) HD dvd has started to run into issues with this already. Blu overall i think is the better format because of this. They also currently hold the majority of the market share and with the current additon of warner brothers studios to the Blu ray coalition i belive that they will eventualy prevail.

  12. BLu Ray B*tch! The difference?  No Idea! Why Blu Ray? The movie selection is better, AND it sounds cooler!

  13. blu ray

    better quality

    both are good though

  14. HD DVD is technically's more compatible.....Blu-Ray has all sorts of problems like some movies don't play unless you update the player's firmware and even then I updated mine and any new movie by Fox or MGM like Fantastic Four Rise Of The Silver Surfer or Robocop stutters and skips. Never had that problem with HD DVD. Picture-in-Picture featurettes are not available on Blu-Ray unless you buy a player that has a firmware profile that is compatible with it and as far as I know none are available yet and the PS3 will probably have an update for it in the future. Those features are readily available on HD DVD.

    Right from the start HD DVD had better video quality, some people assume because Blu-Ray has more storage capacity that it equals better quality...not true...Blu-Ray started by using MPEG-2 encoders and some movies had bad video transfers.....that's why they had to release 2 versions of The Fifth many people complained about the poor video quality that the Sony Studios made a remastered version. Thankfully since then Blu-Ray has started using better encoders and the video quality at least matches that of HD DVD. Without HD DVD as competition they would probably still be using MPEG-2.

    Sadly Blu-Ray is winning.....I only hope that the new wave of hardware will be fully compatible with all Blu-Ray movies and features. Warner Bros will no longer make any HD DVD's as of May 2008 and New Line will follow suit soon enough since they are owned by warner or partners with them one or the other I'm not sure.....but anyways with only Universal and Paramount backing HD DVD, Blu-Ray has pretty much 75% of the HD market.

    So bottom line is HD DVD is better, in my opinion, but Blu-Ray is winning the format war.

  15. Blu ray is more expensive but holds more per disc and got a jumpstart in the market.  Blu ray will prevail.  A new technology has also been created which is better than both using the old red laser and will possibly outdate both.  It is projected to be half as expensive as blueray technology.

  16. Blue Ray is just incredibly better quality, and the discs have twice as much memory. Problem is, Blue Ray is almost ahead of its time, and it may take awhile for the industry to catch up. While I am a fan of Blue Ray, I think most people would agree that Hi-def is more sensible.

    One good thing about Blue Ray is it is compatible with other technology - what I mean is, you can still use stuff designed for lesser technologies in it - they will just look like regular whatever-they-are though, instead of the stellar quality of Blue-Ray products. So if you have a regular dvd that you put into your Blue Ray, the picture will look regular.

  17. blu ray is more clear it kind of hurts your eyes

  18. Blu-Ray and HD are not compatible. Forget the advise you have gotten so far. The market will decide what will win just like Sony Beta (looser) and VHS. Which one is better?  Compare apples and oranges. My bet is on Blu-Ray but don't hold me to that.

  19. HD.

  20. Blue ray is new format converting full high definition tv signal. A blue ray disc contains much more information than traditional DVD disc.
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