
Bluray/hdvd question...?

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i know that hd dvds are defunct and all that but are there still any exclusives that WONT be released on Blu Ray? for instance, i saw 12 monkeys, happy gilmore, bruce almighty, and tons of other HDVDS on sale today and i was wondering if its worth it to buy em now or wait for a blu ray release?




  1. I own both a Bluray and HD-DVD player (actually two Bluray players and four HD-DVD players.  I would jump all over the HD-DVD movies if you own an HD-DVD player.  They both are 1080p, both offer lossless audio and why spend 30.00 on a Bluray disc when you can buy a HD-DVD now for 10.00 at Fry's electronics.

    The average lifespan of a video format is about 10 years, so in ten years even Bluray players will be outsourced by the latest greatest video format.  If you can I would pick up a second HD-DVD player for when your first player dies, so that you have a backup to last you the ten years till Bluray is also outsourced.

    I own about 150 HD-DVD's and 150 Bluray movies.  i will continue to watch both formats (it's not like they'll stop playing HD as long as the player still works).

    It's like Bluray movies that are coming out soon that have been on HD-DVD for a year now.  the only difference is one comes in a red case and the other in a blue case.  The Bluray will cost 30.00, the HD-DVD cost 10.00, seems like a no brainer to me.

  2. well yes the exclusive WILL be released all on Blu-ray that were on HDDVD

    however if the HDVDs are on sale for less than $20 I suggest you buy it. because new original ones cost around $29 an additional $10 more.

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