
Blurry spoyd in vision?

by Guest45346  |  earlier

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Every once in a while (couple days to couple months--not sure what causes it), I develop a large blurry area in the left side of the vision in my left eye. Things that pass through it (like my hand) become somewhat invisible, and it looks similar to what happens when you push on your eyes when closed (fireworks/fractals).

It's difficult to write or type because when I focus on text, a lot of the stuff to the left of it (like the beginning of the sentence) disappears or becomes obscured.

Any idea what this is?




  1. You may have a scotoma.

  2. It could be a large list of things, really your best bet is to have this looked at, now. It can lead to losing vision in that eye if left untreated depending on the severity of the cause. Please go see your doctor soon!

  3. Best to see an eye doctor at your earliest convenience. Many people suffer from ophthalmic migraines, which can cause what you are describing. At the tale end of one you may experience a headache. However, you cannot be diagnosed  on this forum and all you will get it a bunch of "could be's".

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