
Board game help please?

by  |  earlier

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For my high school psychology class final exam, we have to create a board game (with questions) that covers all the units. I created a board based on Monopoly. Its pretty much the same only with psych terms. I need to create some questions, so what is the simplest way to turn monopoly in to a question game without typing too many cards? (It has to be playable)




  1. I did that for one of my classes before. It was okay.

  2. Your best bet is to tie answering questions into gaining an ownership share of a "property".  once a player gains a monopoly of a "property" group, all other players would have to answer two questions in order to gain an ownership share of that "property".  You would probably need about 3 or 4 times the number of questions as you have "property" spaces on the board.  Actually, the game would play better with more and more questions but you are trying to minimize the number of question cards so this seems like a fair minimum to generate a playable game.

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