
Boat Help??!! LONG TRIP!?

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My Dad just bought a boat, and he has not driven it that much. He wants us to go on an eight hour trip with a group of other boats, but I am pretty nervous. How can I settle myself down? Has anything ever happened on one of these long boat trips? What should I bring? I JUST REALLY NEED HELP! All answers are greatly appreciated, I am forever grateful! Thank you SO much and God bless you all!




  1. Really need more info. I've traveled for a week on a boat on a river and 12 hours or more on a deep-sea fishing charter boat. We were the only boat out there and I couldn't see land. Do you get car sick? If so, make sure you take some motion sickness medicine with you. If you are with other boats, even if you break down or get into some sort of trouble, you will have help there with you. Do you know how to swim well? If not, learn. Wear a life vest if that will make you feel more comfortable. Take a good book, portable cd player or ipod, some games for the evening, a deck of cards, etc. Anything you like to do. Sounds like you don't trust your dad's abilities. Talk to him about your concerns. He should be able to answer your questions and explain his plans for problems. He wouldn't take you with him if he didn't feel you would be safe. He loves you, trust him. Good luck, Rail

  2. Not really sure from the description what type of boat trip you're planning, but for any type of long boating experience I would suggest a few things.

    First off, check the weather for the time period you're going to be out there.  Make sure there is no chance of severe whether that would endanger you or the boat. You can also find a wave forecast that will tell you how tall the waves are, this will help you make a good decision about how rough it is going to be.

    Second, for things to bring, I would say bring some Dramamine or other motion sickness medicine with you just in case.  Also, I would say to dress in layers.  Put on maybe a bathing suit underneath(if you'll be swimming), but put on some shorts or pants on over the top, depending on the whether. Also wear or bring with a sweatshirt and probably a wind breaker/rain gear.  This will help keep in warmth if you get cold from the wind or water.

    Other than that, have faith in your father! If he didn't feel comfortable, he probably wouldn't want you to go with or he wouldn't be going at all. Plus, just remind yourself that you're going to be with other boats that can assist in case something goes bad.  Make sure that at least one or two of the boats has a boat-to-shore radio though in case you need to contact the Coast Guard.

    Good luck, have fun, and let the good times roll!

  3. Definately make sure that you bring a really good life preserver. Sorry, i've just been watching "Titanic " on t.v. I would bring snacks, i pod.....maybe a few good life rafts....I hate the freaks me out but hope you have fun.

  4. I have lived on boats for months, even years, at a time.  They are quite safe, as long as you respect the water and do things properly.  

    Talk to your dad about how you feel.  Maybe see if you guys can go on a few short trips before the long one so that you will feel better about it.  Remember that you will be with other boats, so even if you do get in difficulty help will be very close by.

    Wear a life jacket.  Where I live all children have to wear life jackets on many smaller boats, such as the one you will be on probably is.  I don't know how old you are, but don't  be embarassed to wear one.

    Take care of the possibility of seasickness as other posters have said.  If you do get seasick, stay out in the fresh air and try to watch the horizon, not the sea.  Stay in the stern of the boat if you are sick - less motion there.

    Keep busy, possibly helping with things on the boat and with things you bring with you.  It will help take your mind off your anxiety.

    Try to look at this as an adventure with your dad.  Maybe bring a journal with you to write things down and for sure bring a camera - there might be some great pictures.

    Most important - have fun.

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