
Body language question

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I don't think my body language and facial expressions are in sync with what I'm thinking and saying. For example, on many occasions recently people have been off with me because I have given them a dirty look (I don't mean that in a rude sense) or I blank them completely. The thing is that I don't even realise it and that's not what I mean at all.

I'm quite sure that I am being myself around people so it's not me being fake and my true feelings being expressed though my body language.

Is there any way I can remedy this at all? I don't want people getting the wrong idea :( lol




  1. Know exactly what you mean Rockii.

    Often, my brain & mouth are saying one thing but my body, usually the face is saying another.

    Even close family often misinterpret what I am trying to convey.

    I guess I just have a face whose muscles ain't connected to my emotions.

    I know,  let's form a new political party where we can................


  2. Oh goodness, this happens to me too. How many times will I have to hear,"Stop scowling. Smile, Kaitlyn! Stop looking so bored. Look at me. Why are you angry?"

    Urgh. And in all actuality, I'm not thinking that at all. In fact, I'm nodding, totally intent, and happy all at once, but nobody believes me because my dang body language doesn't show it.

    When people say,"Why are you so grumpy?" I usually just say,"I'm not. Why are you so paranoid?"

  3. i know what youre going through, apparently i have a 'look' that i give people that i dont like. but i dont even realise it, i dont even know if its true. some people have also said that my body language makes me appear cold and uninterested in what they have to say, which is unfair because i am usually very interested in what others have to say and just because my shoulders werent at some particular angle they dismiss me and say that im being a ******.

    theres some websites that can give you advice on how to make yourself appear more approachable, so those will probably be of some help :)

  4. I do that too everybody thinks I'm sad when I'm happy and then I become sad because they have just said that too me. I suggest reading the books by Alan Pease and try and make your BL is as open as possible to counteract ur facial expression, which I beleive is virtually impossible to fully change.

    You may then become very intruiging to others and they approach you to understand your true feelings  

  5. no, there isn't anything you can do without being fake. my gf is the same way, she always looks like she is pissed off no matter if she is just watching tv, or listening to conversation, and she looks the same when she IS pissed off.  Just let your friends know in advance that you tend to look disgusted or blank. they will still always ask what is wrong, but it is what it is.

  6. Lol, you're definitely not the only one ;)

    I think It's quite normal for all of us to send out some wrong signals once in a while because we're used to it and don't even realize what we're doing.

    I suggest you take a look on to find out the right body language to your friends and crush.

    All the best!

  7. It's the body language that does more of the talking

  8. I have been told the same thing............. that i look straight through people and just ignore then. Some people think i'm being rude.

    I think it's because when i'm supposed to be doing this i have my mind on other things and i just don't notice anything else that's going on around me.

    Don't let it bother you.............. the people that really know you know that your not giving them a dirty look and thats just who you are.........anybody else can just think what they like.

  9. I'm always mistaken for being sad, haha

    People tell me I should smile more often, and even though I try, it just doesn't happen much! lol. I've also been told that when I'm really serious, I look angry.. I don't know what to do about that, but my friends know that so I guess it;s ok. The problem is when I'm in class and classmates don't approach me because they think I'm angry!
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