
Bonsia trees?

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i have been growing (and finding them dead after deployments) bonsia trees for some years. I have never had a tree survive more than 3years as few know how to care for them.

my question is this. have you noticed any yellowing of leaves when trimming roots/transplanting. I have done this too rarely to have much experience at this stage of caring for them.

any help would be appreciated




  1. Both root pruning and proper pruning of branches are important elements in caring for bonsai. The constant renewal or re-growth of the root system is essential to the proper health of the trunk and branches above ground. The root system will itself remain healthy only if properly pruned. The fundamental rule in root pruning is to keep the root system "happily" within the limited dimensions of the container.

    After 2 years in the container, with appropriate and continuous pruning and wiring of side branches, as needed, the tree should be transplanted to a container of smaller dimensions, both shallower and smaller in diameter. After a year or two in the smaller container, transplant to a still smaller authentic bonsai pot.

    Bonsai should be kept drier than ordinary ornamental plants in pots; but if the object is to dwarf the trees or to keep them dwarfed, it is no use to make them bone-dry. Want of water only makes them stunted or unhealthy


  2. how did you learn how to grow these trees?
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