
Book Thief help please!!?

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i am writing an essay for school and i need some help finding quotes.

my topic is

why Leisel is attracted to stealing and reading books.





  1. It's been a while since I read the book but I know that the book thing was about her wanting to escape into another world...maybe..

  2. Their (Leisel and Rudy's) desire to steal comes from a desire to take back what has been taken from them during their lives. Liesel typically steals books, although she does steal food with Rudy as well. The first time that Liesel steals a book is when she picks up The Grave Digger's Handbook at her brother's burial. She takes it as a reminder of the last time she saw her mother and brother (p. 38). The second time that Liesel steals a book is when she takes The Shoulder Shrug from the bonfire on Hitler's birthday. She has just realized the truth about why her parents are gone - that they were called communists and arrested - when she decides to grab the book (p. 120). This act of thievery is a way for Liesel to get back at Hitler for taking her parents. The next book that she steals is The Whistler, from Ilsa's library. On the day that Ilsa tells her Rosa's laundry services are no longer required, Ilsa offers the book to Liesel, and Liesel refuses it (p. 253). Later, after Rudy has had many unpleasant confrontations with his Hitler Youth leader, Rudy tells Liesel he needs to steal something, to get a win because he has had a tough time of it lately. Liesel feels that desire too, so she suggests they go to the mayor's house and steal from him. She climbs inside the library window and comes out with The Whistler rather than the food Rudy expects (p. 283). However, for Liesel, stealing the book is an act of revenge against Ilsa. It is a way of taking back something that had been taken from her, namely her weekly access to Ilsa's library. Thus her book stealing really begins. Each time she steals from Ilsa from this point onwards, it is out of revenge and anger. The fact that Ilsa is really leaving things for Liesel to take is quite irrelevant. It is the act of taking which makes Liesel feel good.

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