
Botany Questions?

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Please help.These are discussion questions from my textbook over plant breeding and propagation.Thanks

1. Suppose you grow a hybrid tomato plant and save some of its seeds to plant in your garden next year. Would those seeds grow into plants that look like the hybrid plant from which you collected them? What if you collected seeds from an inbred line of tomato and planted them?

2. What might be some advantages of having several varities of apple or plum on the same tree?




  1. 1. In fact yes. So long as they were not hybridized again.

    2. Variation is actually a mechanism to escape extinction. Several varieties would mean that some varieties are resistant to the otherwise killer of the said plant. This is also true for animals.

    Hope this helps...

  2. Come on, these are thought questions obvioustly asked by your teacher.  Do a little work and answer them on your own.  You might learn something.
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