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I'm 13 yrs old, 5'11" 150 lbs pretty quick and strong and theres a smart mouth sophmore who is probably 5'9-10" somewhere around 120-140lbs that for some reason wants to get into a fight with me, i know that fighting is a last resort but i have my reasons that i'm not going to go into...i'm not really scared to fight him, but i just want to avoid it, if i have to get into a fight with him do you have any tips for me?

also i want to start boxing, does anyone know if there are any good boxing gyms around the bloomington-normal area in illinois?




  1. if you want to learn to box go to a boxing gym you can find one online by searching for one. try

    don't box this person if he is threatening you then you should deal with him by getting a group of your friends together and beating him with baseball bats or you could simply go to the authorites at your school and let them know what is going on. whatever you do don't compromise your saftey by doing something foolish.

  2. dont know about illinios gyms but i know right when he rushes you step back throw a hook into the jaw and beat his *** from there and DAM your tall for a 13 year old but if he doesnt rush you since your taller use the jab then go for straight punch to the nose

  3. I don't know about gyms in your area, but I can give you some tips on fighting.

    I can tell you that fighting is wrong and to just avoid this one. I'm not sure if there's much to gain with this one. If he beats you, he may just want to do it again. If you did beat him, it would probably bother him that he got beat by someone much younger than him and may not be able to let it go and find another time, method and opportunity to get revenge.

    Then again, it may be the only way to get rid of him. When I was younger, my family moved a lot and the new kid always seems to get tested. About your age, I thought I'd try the whole avoiding the fight thing and that just added to it. Pretty soon a couple more kids are picking on you, then another and another. One day I had enough. I was playing basketball at a park and some kids joined in and started pushing my buttons. We ended up doing the pushing and shoving thing and he let out a little smirk which made me lose it. I tried to punch him in the side of his head, but because he tried to step back I actually caught him right in the side of the nose sending reeling back about 10 feet until he hit the ground. Before he hit the ground, his best friend stepped toward me and I leaped toward him grabbing him by the back of the head with both hands and just pulled him down to the ground smashing his face into the blacktop of the court. As I stood back up, another stepped forward and said "what's your problem?!" I screamed out, "you want some too?!" He just stepped back and he said he didn't do anything. I was so hyped I almost clocked this guy who was pushing his kids on the swings who tried to break it all up. I didn't see those kids at that park for nearly 2 years, nobody tried to mess with me again for a long time after that. The great thing was there were all kinds of witnesses. Everybody at school saw them with the bandages and splints on their faces and knew what happened.

    The thing is, most people are scared to fight. They don't want to get hurt. I was pretty much by myself that day. I was one of 6 people on that court playing ball that day. Only 1 was someone who wasn't part of that little group, but he wasn't my friend, so who knows if he would have helped me out. I was easily out numbered, but like I said, most people are scared.

    If I were you and chose to fight and you know you can take him. I'd do it right in the parking lot of his school in front of all his friends and classmates. Just make sure you make quick work of him. You don't want to find yourself rolling on the ground, that's when people think they're brave and start kicking you when you're down.

  4. if you have to fight him do it alone whair no one will see you guy's, because if you get your *** kicked then no one will see, and if you beat his *** his friends wont help him.

    Avoid trouble, and dont brag if you win.

  5. Hey man, how's it going??     If you have to fight then honestly I think you are in the wrong forum for tips for a street fight.........I love boxing but i believe that true boxing fans love the sport of boxing which has rules and stratagies that if employed in a street fight might not be too effective........after all......I've never heard of rules in a fight outside of the ring........I know there's a raging debate right now of MMA vs. Boxing..........and some boxing fans might not like this but the advice you seek is probably better learned in the martial arts forum than here.    You did say that "you have your reasons" which sounds like you are justifying the fight in some way........if it's something other than this kid has been physically abusive in some way towards you then it's probably not a very good justification.............I remember back when I was your age and the pressure of my friends knowing that someone wanted to fight me was immense.........if i didn't do it then what??..........strange thing is's all up to'll find this out sooner or later(hopefully sooner)...........nobody else controls you except make a wise decision.    If it's just because you think you can beat him and you want to shut him up then be the bigger man and don't do it...........

    I know this isn't the advice you were looking for............but I think that i can help you with the second part of your question.............I'm attaching a link that shows the boxing gyms in different states..............that should help you find one close to you.........

    Have a good one man...........and good luck with that other kid.



  6. Holy ****! your 13 and talelr than I am.... kids these days... peh! Anywho, tips would be... Strike the opponant, make him miss, and move. In other words, be an aggressive fighter, dodge, block, and never stop moving.
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