
Boxing weigh in?

by  |  earlier

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ok i need to lose like 10 lbs to be in the boxing touneys that i want/need to be in. Not that i am over weigh just for the area i need to be in for boxing. The weigh in is on next friday. Anyway to shed it off quick, cause its gotta go!




  1. u need to go running with a plastic bag/refuse sack on under ur clothes, it makes u sweat more an i know of other boxers that do it. best of luck with the fight. wheres it on?

  2. A Sweat bag is good to use wile running or training Im sure you already know this but what are your meals? You need to eat at least 5 times per day &  cut down on water. DO NOT drink anything but water.

    Try this for start -

    7:00 a.m - 2 egg whites or oat meal

    9 :30 a.m. - 1 low fat 4 once yogurt

    12:00 p.m. - 6 once starkist tuna with a little lemon and a couple slices of Tomato only...

    3:00 some fruit (no bananas) or dry nuts

    5:30 6 once chicken breast & lots of asparagus which is a natural diuretic. (makes you drop water weight)

    6:00 hit the gym work hard and when done dry off with a towel DO NOT dry off by letting your self cool down. Also DO NOT  shower until you are completely dry. If you shower while you are still hot, your body will absorb water making you gain weight because your pores are still open.

    DO NOT eat after the gym, get some rest and run in the morning on a empty stomach. Remember in tournaments you will have to make weight everyday that you advance! keeps yogurts with you so that you can eat before you fight.

    Send me a e-mail if you really need to do this. We just fought on the Vasquez -vs- Marquez III under card and my guy went from 129 3/4 on Monday to 116 on Friday. We also knocked our guy out 2:57 in the 1st round.

  3. When I wrestled in HS, to make weight I would eat only a can of Tuna, two tablespoons of peantut butter, on tone peice of toast, and one apple with each meal.  After about two weeks, I got tired of being hungry and just went up a weight class.  Hope that helps.

  4. you should postpone the fight. losing that much weight in that short of time is unhealthy and will take strength away from you putting you in a dangerous position during a fight.
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