
Boy Probs!!!!! help! plz!?

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okay so I like this guy and were kinda diffrent....hes a sketer and at my school skaters are the popular kinda popular im friends with some of the skaters and i play volleyball....well anyway he always looks me in the eyes and smiles:D and talks to me idk what to do!!!!!




  1. Just talk to him...become friends and see where it goes from there. Most yourself.

  2. What to do? What do you want to do? What exactly is the problem? Does he need new skates? Don't understand what's going on.

  3. He was a sk8er boi she said see ya later boi.

    He wasn't good enough for her.

    She had a pretty face but her head was up in space.

    She needed to come back down to earth.

    Five years from now she sits at home feeding the baby she's all alone.

    She turns on TV and guess who she sees.

    Sk8er boi rocking up MTV.

  4. This is a "boy prob"? Smile back at him and talk when he talks. DUH!

  5. Try and go up to talk.  By his body langauge he's probably trying to show you that he's a nice guy and that he's intrested.  Think of somethign about skate boards to talk about, Ask him how he is.  It's okay to be diffrent and it's okay to be nervous!!! (Who know's this could be the right guy for you!)

    BOL (Best of luck!)

  6. Popular or not it doesn't matter.

    If people like others based on their popularity they're stupid.

    There is nothing for you to do.

    If he likes you he'll ask you out.

  7. just flirt smile and be his sunshine :)

    make him laugh and be urself :)

    Good luck!

  8. U mean ur boy has a problem or u have a problem with ur boy.

    A boy in distress or a rather distressing boy

    Which of the 2?

    Im just kidding.

    Try flirting with him.

    When u see him in the hallway brush ur hand against his and smile.

  9. ok first off dont label the kid as a skater. or a prep or a jock or a what ever. i skate and i hate when people say your a skater. thats really stupid

    and also maybe thers just something on your face  

  10. ask his friends more about him...and then go up to him and ask him a random question   like  "um, are you the guy i saw at  ______?     dont sound stupid just ask a question that he can answer.   if he smiles, or trys to act cool after he gives you an answer, chances are, he has a little crush on you.  if he laughs then just let him be....try something else later  

    best of luck,

    Brianna (guy and girl expert)

  11. Aw maybe you should go talk to him.

    Get to know him more hang out with him and stuff to make sure that you really do like him.

    And then wait a couple weeks that you've been talking or hanging out with him and tell him straight up that you like him.

    If your too shy then ask him on facebook or myspace or text or something.

    witchever you have.

    But don't let things go or else you will regret it later.



  12. skater doods in my school r popular too. Talk to him and be yourself.

  13. just stare back

    hes gonna get a hint

  14. ok tell him that you like him and your are Friend  with his Friend and there  a chane that he mint like you and you never known he may have a thing fro you and sit down and talk with him and ask him if he like you

  15. You should deffinately talk to him next time he looks at you! :) He probably does like you! ^_^  

  16. talk to him

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