
Boy private parts problem

by  |  earlier

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well im 16 and a half. im going into 11th grade. i am worried about my p***s length. Please do not report this. i am completly serious. when i was born i had to have a hypospadious surgery. its when my whole was not onthe top, and they had to reconstruct it. but its good now. last year i had to have the hole opened up 2 times. Im worried about the size. when i am erected. its a little over 4 inches. i have pubic hair but it seems like its not growing. will it get bigger? is there anyway to speed up the process??? plz help i am totally sincer about this. plz help




  1. Your mom should take you to your family doctor so you can talk to him/her and seriously talk about this issue. Do you see a urologist for your other issues?  This would be the perfect doctor to talk with about this issue.  You could be lacking in the male hormone, testosterone.  You family doctor can address this or they can send you to a specialist in the area (such as an endocrinologist) to do some hormone studies.  Is your height normal?  Has your voice changed? Are you starting to get hair on your face?  All of these are signs of the body coming of age.  To check for these issues they would need to do a simple blood test to check this.  I have a cousin that had a similiar problem with he was about your age.  His testosterone was low and the doctor game him a series of testosterone shots and he started to grow and is normal now.  

  2. you have a tiny wang bro, im 16 and i have a 7 inch erect 5-6inches is average

  3. I know nothing of the condition but I don't think it will grow much even if it did.

    How ever the good news is you can still find love in the further, a girl is gonna love you no matter what.

    I mean my chest ain't big but my man loves me and have my 2 babies. So yeah don't feel bad love you, and you will be bless don't ever let a trick tell you that you are to small or not rich enough, or what ever flaws us humans tend to see. When really we should look at our flaws first.

  4. Sorry dude, but I actually think you're done growing:(

    You can try searching the internet for natural remedy's to make it grow more or something.

    Im sorry man, that really sucks.

    Edit: Oh and that girl above me is right, do that!

  5. hey...don't worry about what the first guy said [what a moron]

    i'm sure it's nothing to worry about but if it is really bothering you i would suggest talking to the doctor about it to see if they can help.

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