
Boy problems??? help!?

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So my best friend is a guy. We tell eachother pretty much everything! We have gone out 3 times but we broke up last october. we are still best friends. I'm starting to like him again but he is in love with another girl who doesn't share the same feelings with him. He's really been confusing me lately tho. We talk alone all the time and on the phone but i dont get along with his friends and he doesn't get along with mine so we never really get a chance to hang out so it sucks. But the other day he was like " OMG i've been wanting to tlak to you so bad! i feel good when i tlak to you. I feel happy no matter what mood i'm in before when i talk to you i just get happy again" And then a few days later he was like " Tell me the truth. Even though we dont talk so much anymore i've always had this feeling that we were connected somehow...did you ever think that?"

He didn't use those exact words but pretty close. I just dont know anymore. One of those days he said he thought he didn't like the girl he said he was in love with anymore and didn't even want to be friends with her anymore but he didn't know why he felt that way all of a sudden and then the next day he said he still loved her. So idk what to think anymore. Does he like me or just a really good friend?




  1. i think ur friend likes u n d oter girl is just his attraction n so go n ask him out

  2. Don't worry Stacey, 3 times isn't enough for a guy to understand. I am a girl too so I understand you out there. Is he like a very tall dark and handsome guy? Well guess you have gone into the same problem as me. Well there is this really handsome guy in my class but he really didnt seem to care. I scoffed and just walked away... I really wanted this relationship to WORK. So if he says no then tell him "Ok i had enough too. Do you think your the only one who isnt sick of this? I am too! RELATIONSHIPS are REAL. They don't just walk away like people. I don't care anymore if you really and seriously don't care too." tell him that. And mean it but if you really think that you truly do like him tell him "Hey, I really think that our relationship is very important but I don't think you care. You just wander off somewhere so please give me another chance." Still says no then tell him this "I really do care about OUR RELATIONSHIP! Do you think I am just a material or object? I am a person with feelings. You cannot just reject me in public i mean am i such a suckish person? If then why bother talking to you!? You don't think of other person's feelings! I though i could've made my self to the next levle. Thought I was wrong." And turn him down! I really give bad advice right? sorry but really i am a girl. So tell him that cuz i have went through the same feeling as you so dont hesitate give it a try!

  3. Wow thats umm dramatic lol. I d say ask him straight out say hay you know when were going out do you regret that? and say how you feel if you wish you were still together say so you will never know what he is thinking until you ask. Good Luck.

  4. whoa!! that is real confusing. i don't know what 2 tell you about his feelings cause he is the one who is confused. but from what i read i see that you know that you love him and that you want to be him and you're pretty sure about that. you need to tell him what you want. It seems like you don't have a problem being just friends with him. so i think that you should sit him down and let him know that yall need to set some foundations somewhere. if yall gone b in a relationship then be in one and if not then just b strictly friends. i hope i helped hun. **good luck**  

  5. well, it's probably best if he doesn't think of you as that kind of person right now to just stick with being friends and move on...if its meant to happen, it will

  6. I HAVE ONE OF THOSE FRIENDS... its annoying.  he may be confused on his feelings.  be blunt with him. hes your best friend you should be able to speak openly with him. ask him if he has feelings for you. ask him if he wants to try dating again..

    He sounds like hes confused about his feelings.. so if you are confident enough. I would just talk to him about the situation tell him how you feel and see what happens.  

    Good luck.

  7. he probablly doesn't rlly kno if he like u or not but he feels if he leaves the other girl and then he still doens't like u enough to go out then he'll be all alone so hes probablly trying to figure it out to just be there for him ;)

    can u help me:;...;...

  8. sounds like a fickle friend.  Be careful, it might be you next time he decides he doesn't like the girl he's been liking.  
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