
Boyfriend!!!!! Help!!!!!!!?

by  |  earlier

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I have a boyfriend and we have been dating for about a month and recently I just feel like I can't be arsed. And when I talk to him I just feel like I don't want to listen and I can tell conversation is always forced. I go back to school on thursday, will it just get better or worse because we will be in each others pockets at all times. What do you think?




  1. You obviously dont really have strong feelings for this boy....but dont worry....get him on his own and let him down gently. Just say that you just fancy being friends for now.

    You have to tell him how you feel, and if he doesnt understand, then well...he cant have been a good boyfriend anyway. not to worry tho

    Some things in life just aren't meant to be.....

  2. You can't force love or like. If it's not working then just go back to being friends... Who knows, maybe in a few years you might find you like each other again.

  3. Split up,there is no point.

  4. I think that maybe the time has come to call it a day, if you can't work it out at least part on good terms. Whatever happens I'm wishing you lots of love and luck for the future, I'm sure you'll be alright.

  5. S'ova

  6. maybe u just have gone off him.....if your thinkin of breakin up still stay friends its the best thing to do..... but i reli think you should tell him how you feel.... good luck :)

  7. Sounds like you just need to be young free and single, enjoy your life while you have no commitments, its too short to waste on boys at your age!! I'm sure you have lots of mates and don't need a boyfriend in the way of having fun..

  8. well it could either get better or worse. it just depends on how you want it to go. that happens though in relationships. sometimes you're gonna like him so much and he won't be into you as much and vise versa. don't worry its just a phase. you'll get into him more sooner or later.

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