
Boyfriend? (details inside)

by  |  earlier

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So, my boyfriend and I have been going out for a few months now.

We were snuggling on the floor, and started to kiss, which led to making out.

He started to kiss my neck, and went down to my cleavage. He then slipped my tank top strap down so that my breast was exposed, and began to sck on my nipple. It felt amazing. However, I want to wait until marriage for s*x. Is this a good place to stop, or did we go too far?

We're 16, and he understands my limits. He made sure what he did was okay with me, and told me to say stop if I felt uncomfortable.




  1. well i don't know what your reasons for waiting till' marriage are but mine is because i'm a Christian...

    but according to the Bible s*x is not the only forbidden act

    lusting after someone or making someone lust after you is just the same in God's eyes, so basically even simply making out.

    so yall should take a couple steps back because if yall go there again it will probably go even further.


  3. i often have this exact same question. i am 16, and i don't want to have s*x for a long time. i've been going out with my boyfriend for over a year,  and sometimes we will be making out, and something will happen (i had exactly the same situation in fact). and i don't know how i feel about it.

    for me it helps to remember that it is not s*x, and that as long as very clear boundaries are set up, and i feel comfortable there is nothing wrong with it.

    just talk to your boyfriend if you feel uncomfortable. good luck, and please don't feel bad. you seem to have a much better head on your shoulders then a lot of people i've met.

  4. You are really still very young. It is ok to kiss and hug but do not go beyond that. You should have a strong will to say stop. Explore the world while you are still young but be very extra careful.

  5. Don't feel horrible. Your human. Don't let other people make you feel bad about yourself. Its amazing that your saving yourself for marriage when many girls your age and younger are having s*x, not just s*x but unprotected s*x.

    s*x is a very personal thing and you should really set your own limits. Is it just s*x that you are saving? or all things sexual? Its your decision. If your boyfriend respects your limits then proceed as long as you feel comfortable. But I would recommend setting limits. Not making them up as you go along. That might lead to regret.

  6. dang, im 16 in 2 weeks (boy) and i would feel horrible if i did that to my girlfriend, i'd feel like i lost all my innocence... you need to mend your ways, friend

  7. don't beat yourself up over this.

    if this was a one time only thing,

    just say you lost your mind.. and you regret it.

    then it's done.

    you're smarter then this,

    and you know it.

  8. you obviously made a mistake

    and god forgives mistakes, and your bf is doing the right thing for asking you if you wer yeah

    dont go much farther than that tho.!

  9. That's far enough.

    Just try not to go too much farther.

  10. Nipple scking is good, but yea, it does like s*x, take away your purity. Its a tough fight, but you can do it! Hurry and marry, I couldnt stop myself so yes,

  11. Um that's a good place to stop.  If you go any farther it might lead to premarital s*x.  I like your moral about not having s*x before marriage!  I like your bf, he seems to respect your opinions on premarital s*x and he (as you said) knows your limits, which is a great quality in a boyfriend or any guy for that matter.  He also respects you and your comfort.

    You should not feel horrible!  You didn't go all the way, and what you did was your choice and sign of love for each other.  If you liked it, you liked it.  It isn't a crime!

  12. it's only too far if you think it is.

  13. you're 16 and he sucked your nipple? alright... HOLD UP!

    That's not okay or acceptable. That's disgusting and yes, you did go too far! You're 16, not 26! Next step is s*x, if you went this far, you will most likely be an easy target.

  14. dont beat yourself up!

    it was just in the heat of it you

    didn't really realize what you were doing. but this definately

    is going pretty far.

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