
Boyfriend losing control?

by  |  earlier

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Hey guys.

Please don't be judgmental.

My boyfriend normally has pretty good self control.

However, the other night when I was at his house...he started to lose that control. We were kissing and he started to slip my tank top down over my shoulder, trying to expose my b*****s.

I said no, but he tried it again.

Then after a third attempt, he started to just lift my shirt off from the bottom. I pushed him away at this point.

I don't know how I should let him know that he can't do this.

Because apparently he is willing to go a lot farther than I am.

I've told him my morals...waiting until marriage...but when we're together...he seems to forget that.




  1. be firm and explain that you wont tolorate that. you respect your body and he needs to as well. if he doesnt then you should leave him

    good luck.

  2. if it makes you feel unconfortable, then tellhim "stop of hit the door" because if he makes you feel tahat unconfortable, then you shouldn'r be with himm. good lukc and god bless.

  3. yell at him and YOU should be in control

  4. Break up with him if your prude.

  5. Tell him one more time and if you see that he continues to do this it is becasue he could careless or he is testing you so tell him that if he does it again it's's going to hurt some feelings but its what shouold be done.

  6. If you don't want it to happen, then you need to make sure you're never in a position that it can happen... meaning don't be alone with him.  If he won't listen, break up with him.  BTW, he's not forgetting what your morals are, he doesn't care.  It's your morals, not his, and he wants to have s*x.  Get that idea into your head, and you will see that he's not going to stop.

  7. Well taking your top off isnt exactly s*x now if it... but hes a 16yrold guy your pushing his button and he's losing control... maybe dont make out with him until he can learn to respect your morals.... but i doubt he will be able to, 16yrold hormones arnt known for their control. I's say dump him before he dumps you.

  8. Knowing that you are saving yourself for marriage and he is still pushing you, that's definitely not a good sign. You should try to sit down and talk it out with him and if he still continues, you should be the wiser one take some action and tell him its over. At the age of 16 you can find someone that won't force you to do what you want. Being in a relationship means giving and receiving equally and if he's not willing to respect that, then you deserve much better. I wish you well, and hopes every turns out good : ). Keep me updated.

  9. Tell him straight out that you are not interested in anymore than kissing and if he tries to take it further, he isn't worth the trouble, and you guys will break up. No matter what he says to you, stick to your beliefs and don't give in. It is great that you are waiting until marriage. Best of luck.

  10. It's the girls job to say 'no' and the guys job to try to change her mind.

    Get used to it!

    [edit]  Have s*x before marriage.  That way, you can wait until you are older and smarter before committing to marriage.  Or were you planning to stay a virgin till 25?  No - I thought not.

  11. you need to make it very clear to him that you are not going to do that and that he needs to respect you and your body dont let him talk you into anything you are not ready for  

  12. nice to hear that u want to keep it for the marriage..hehehe i do to...

    you'd better keep on it...n if your bf, couldn't deal with it, i told you that it's kind a hard to do the relationship.. it really need both of you to have one word about that...i could just feel that you want to protect you bf from anyone judgement so it means that you (maybe) really likes your bf...but, kind a hard to have that kinds of moral if your bf didn't have something like that too... So..maybe you have to consider to keep this relationship or not, becoz sooner or just could be happen...

    God Bless..

  13. Tell him, make him look you in the eyes and tell him. shouldn't have to go through anything that you don't want to.

  14. You need to be firm with him. Tell him NO means No. That is great that you are waiting, I admire you. I waited too, and it was so worth it when I got married.

    One thing I had to learn to do was not to be alone together to often. That is when it can sneak up on you. Try to do stuff with friends and family, so you can stay true to yourself. Way to Go.

  15. Just because he wants to take your shirt off doesn't mean your gonna have s*x.just make a always-panties rule.Besides if you do that you'll be wondering why you didn't do it sooner :]

  16. stick to your morals!!! if he isnt willing to wait until your ready then you shouldnt be with him.  

  17. tell him to get lost if he cant wait

  18. You should break up with him, since you've already told him your morals. It seems he is just using you for sexual pleasure. There are plenty of guys that will respect you. God bless!

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