
Boyfriend "cheating" through myspace..?

by  |  earlier

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My boyfriend and I have been together for almost 3 years..we've broken up on and off, but as of two weeks ago we were back on. I had suspicions he was cheating [couldn't speak to a girl "w/ common interests" that he met during our break, on the phone in front of me] i gained access to his myspace, somehow...we'll leave it at that. and my suspicions were confirmed..he said she's gorgeous.. and in another message said he misses her sweet voice..when confronted he said he felt like i was messing around on him because of myspace comments sent to and from a guy who i previously liked for a brief period previous to meeting my now boyfriend. he felt like he was always competing for my love, because in our relationship a few people he knows have liked me in the past. i feel very hurt, as i did nothing wrong, [granted spying is wrong, but my intuition had kicked in] but i tried to understand, but not condone what hes done, and after his many apologies that sounded honest, i forgave him. but he still has her on his myspace, whereas i deleted everything i thought could give him any feeling of insecurity. i feel like he should break off communication from this girl, which i thought he'd have done instantly, yet shes still on his friends list.. would you expect the same?




  1. he shouldnt do all that cuz that makes you seem insecure and its juss myspace

  2. YES  Ask him who is more important, you or her. Myspace is just a excape place for people who wish someone would respond to them. You should be more important and hopefully he'll grow up. If he can't let you look over his shoulder while on myspace then he is hiding something. Your love is more important than the internet.

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