
Braces help pleasee????

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Do they hurt?

What all do they do when you get them put on?

How long will it take for them to straighten your teeth?

I am getting them next monday.:[

My teeth are crooked but not too crooked and i have an overbite.:[





  1. no they dont hurt

    fix your teeth

    depends the dentist will tell you when they are supposed to come off

    depends it is you choice for colors just dont get clear cause if you do then if you eat or drink anything like witht he color red it will stain the braces.and you will have what ever color the food or drink is.on your braces until they come off

  2. they don't hurt

    they just put a ring on the back tooth and glue the little brackets on your teeth

    it could be real short... or very long it probably shouldn't take too long. they will tell you...

    u should get light blue and light green!

  3. Yes, they will hurt a few hrs after you get them on. After awhile it'll go away, but when you go to your ortho visits and they tighten them, that's the worst!! Don't be nervous though, it only lasts a little while. It depends on your teeth how long they will take to straighten. You'll actually start noticing them coming together. I had mine on for a year and a half. Other friends I have had them for up to 3 or 4 years. It just depends.

    P.S. clear braces aren't bad because it doesn't look like you have a mouth full of metal..but you'll need to brush quite a bit b/c it'll be noticeable! I think the first time I got mine on I got red and purple.. haha =) black and white would be cute!

  4. I got braces as a teen, so i know a lot about it. I got them for the same reason you are, an overbite. They do hurt every once in a while, especially when they tighten them. They place the little brackets on your teeth one at a time and use a blue light to help dry the glue onto the teeth and then place a wire in the brackets and then the colored or non colored bands on the brackets. they will give you headgear, which is like a giant fork bringing the entire upper jaw back towards the back of your mouth to reduce the overbite. for me, it took a few years, but they took them out when i was 18 i think. after a while, the dentists that took care of my teeth asked me if i had braces and i told them i did. they ask me that because of the glue that was still there.

    Now, to take care of the braces, you must not have corn unless it's off the cob in any way. No gum, no gummy or hard candy of any kind. these this will break the brackets of the braces and you'll have to go get it fixed. Also, no sodas of any kind unless drank through a straw. i usually went with the colors of the seasons. like for my birthday, which was in July, I went with red White and Blue. just don't get yellow because the teeth would start to match the color and people would start to compare the teeth with the braces color. oh, and when they take off the braces, you might get something called a Retainer. That is something that keeps the teeth from moving back to where they were before. they'll tell you to brush it before you brush your teeth and then after you brush your teeth to put it in. always keep track of it when it's not in your mouth. I lost so many because they hurt so much, i hated having them in my mouth. When they fit you for a retainer, they'll have this liquid rubber in a mouth tray. they'll tell you to put it in your teeth, so the teeth will leave an imprint in the rubber and they will leave it in for a while, to let the rubber solidify. the best thing to get would be the INVISALIGN invisible braces. it's a mouth tray that moves your teeth back painlessly. but i reccomend braces for the overbite. the headgear hurts, but works. hope this helps...

  5. No, they don't hurt, but they are sore for a few days to a week.

  6. No they don't hurt when they put them on but a few hours after you get them on they hurt really bad because your teeth are moving.

    They have to put this sour stuff on your teeth to clean them, and then they put glue on your teeth and then they stick the brackets on your teeth. Then they put a thing on them to dry them, then they put a wire across your teeth and clip them to the brackets and you have to pick a color. Just eat softer foods.

    My teeth very crooked and I only had them on for less than a year and now my teeth are perfect. But it's different for everyone so you might want to ask your orthodontist how long you'll need them on for =) Good Luck!!!

    You can pick any color but I would suggest to stay away from yellow....

  7. They don't hurt while they are putting but after they will hurt but I would eat soft food like jello,chicken soup,etc. after 5 days-1 week it will get better. After they hav finish they will teach you how to brush and how to floss and then they will give you a sheet a paper and it will show some of the foods you can't eat. And i depends on how your body works and how good you follow the directions like always wear the rubber bands and to always brush your teeth after you eat. I am currently wearing them I wouldn't be worried about getting braces and just relaxed. I have not even been wearing my braces for 2 years yet and I am getting them off in 5 days[because I wore the rubber bands and clean my teeth] so all you got 2 do is follow the directions ur orthodonist gives you and u will prob not hav to wear them for 2 years or more.

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