
Braces help!!???!!!??

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ive had braces for 5 weeks i go 2 arkansa and i wanted to no if there was a way to speend the process..i like em but they bug me!!!! lolz




  1. Okay 5 weeks is nothing hunny!  But if you brush your teeth really well, wear your elastics well, make all appointments and do not eat what you're not supposed to they WILL come off early.  I obeyed all the rules 3/4 of the time, especially in the beginning and mine ended up coming off 6 months early!  Good luck!

    Dont rush it after all this work you want them perfect!

  2. no theres not a way to speed the process!

    its better to keep them on!

    why do u want crooked teeth?

    they might bug u at first but u will get use to it soon

    like there not even there. just dont worry about that stuff

    and keep them on bcuz when u get them off u want them

    straight!! straight! not slighty so yeah. and if ur already complaining by the 5 week then whoa! i hope u last for the whole treatment plan.

    and well maybe your teeth werent that crooked to begin with but maybe there pretty bad sorry i dont know :S but yeah dont rush

  3. There is no way to speed it. Actually thats a lie, you can. Listen to everything your dentist says. Wear your elastics all the time, make it to all of your appointments. Don't double wrap your elastics  (put 2 on, or wrap them around twice) all it does is over correct your teeth, which means you have to have that problem corrected as well.

    And you get really used to them after a while. Use wax when it causes sores. anything not being used on the inside that causes sores, just ask to have covered if possible.

  4. 5 weeks isnt  nothing i had mines on for 4 years now i have retainers  22 just saying
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