
Braces pain...any advice?

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I got my braces put on last Tuesday and though I've gotten past the initial discomfort, it still hurts to bite. I've tried chew food as I usually would but my back teeth still hurt and my front teeth are even worse. Does anyone have any idea when the pain might lessen and I can eat regularly? Is there anything I can do to speed up the process?

Also, my eating schedule varies and I sometimes eat up to five small meals/snacks a day. Should I brush three times a day or immediately after I eat each time.




  1. Chewing actually helps to loosen the braces and move the teeth from the pressure so the more you baby your teeth and wait for the pain to go away the longer it will linger. Try chewing on a piece of plastic. Your orthodontist should have a chewing mouth piece that they can give you to help aleviate the tension. Other than that sucking on ice and taking Motrin every 6 hours are your only alternatives.

  2. advil works very well for brace pain.

    because you just got them on, your mouth will still be tender for a few more days.

    also, when you get your first tightening done, you will probably be only able to eat soup for a few days afterwards.

    take advil

    and try and eat soft foods

  3. idk im getting them thursday!!! YAY me!!!  

  4. I had a close friend who has gotten braces put in about a couple months ago and she complained about pain a lot. I would eat softer foods for about a week until your teeth can adjust to the braces. I would also take some pain medicine to help with the pain. Don't worry eventually your teeth will adjust to them. =) i hope i helped

  5. you should take motrin for the pain for the next few days. Also you should brush after all meals and keep a toothbrush with you .  

  6. you could take medicine every 6-8 hours depending on the medicine.

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