
Braces tightened!?

by  |  earlier

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Well I get my braces in september and I had the measurements the other day!

But Im scared about when you get them tightened....

Everybody has said it feels like there whole body is resting on uu! Leaning on thier wrist....:(

So please does it hurt?

Also when you get your brace fitted when the threddle the wire thing through they use scissors does it hurt?

Answer please!





  1. 1st. A little.

    2nd. No. It doesnt hurt at all.

    3rd. They use wire cutters. I had to get mine cut the other day in the very back, I was a little scared but it didnt hurt a bit.

    Hope I Helped!

  2. I haves braces and after you get you braces tightened it does hurt. The pain lasts about 3 days. Dont stress about the wire. When they put it on you dont feel it. They cut the back of the wire to make a shorter so it doesn't poke you. Dont be scared you will be just fine.

  3. it all depends on how well you can handle pain.. the only time i had pain was the first time they tightened them and it went away within a couple days and never happened again.. if you have pain go get something that numbs your mouth such as orajel.. the only thing i felt when they use the scissors was a little discomfort. i havent heard anyone else say that it hurts

  4. you get sore for about a week when you get your braces on. You have to get soft foods because it is hard to chew. The first couple times you get your braces tightened you get sore, but then after that you are fine.

  5. Dont worry so much! its not as bad as you think

    your teeth will hurt for the first 2 weeks when u first

    get braces only because before ur teeth wernt use to

    that kind of pressure(: but like i said u will get use to it

    and u wil fell no more pain. and when u get ur braces tightend

    no it doent hurt like OHH MY GAWDD! u will feel some

    pressure that it and after a couple of minuites and

    sometimes like 2 days becuase maybe they changed the wire but it will stop after a while :) and no it does not hurt when they cut the wire with the siccores i still get scared lol sometimes i think that its goin to hurt lol but no it doesnt! so no dont worry its not that bad :)

  6. I found that when I had braces is that it seems a lot worse than it really is. For the first week or so when you get the first wires on your mouth is going to be very sore because it is not used to it.

    I reccomend a lot of cold things to help, it helped me.

    And as for the tightening, the first few new wires that they change to make it tighter, it does hurt but its because your mouth is sore.

    After a while actually you will get used to it, I had them for like a year and a half and after a while the new wires didnt even hurt when I went it.

    You'll be okay, but just keep in mind, you will be sore. They gave me some stuff to put on my gums though to help numb it if it got really bad so they will probably give you something like that to take home.
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