
Brain Function. Left Verses Right.?

by Guest59481  |  earlier

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I have heard the left brain controls the right side of the human body and the right brain controls the left side.

The question is: Does this mean the nerves in the left foot are controlled by the right brain and the nerves in the right foot are controlled by the left brain? Or is this logic flawed. Please only answer if you know, I am not collecting opinions.





  1. the motor area of right hemispere of the cerebrum controls voluntary muscles movement on the left side of the body and vice versa...voluntary muscles are those muscles which we can move according to our will...and the muscles of the legs are voluntary muscles coz u can move yr leg in any direction according to yr definitely the right hemisphere of the brain controls the movements of the left leg and vice versa....

  2. It is liturally this. Cut your body in half from top to bottom (don't do it really though). Take your brain out and split that in 2 also if your looking at it from the front. Everything on the left hand side of the braion controls everything on the right of the body and vice versa.

    Extra: The left side of the brain also controls creativty, where as the right controls logic.

  3. The Upper Motor Neurons which control movement of the left foot are located in the right hemisphere of the brain while those UMN which control right foot movement are located in the left hemisphere of the brain.

    In anatomy, there is no left or right brain; only left or right hemispheres.

  4. yes

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