
Braking Problem on '05 Seat Ibiza.

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I bought my 05 Seat Ibiza 1.4S in April this year and it has only 18,000 miles on the clock.

I think there is a problem with the brakes. It first happened a few weeks back but I just forgot about it. It's happened again today in the exact same spot so I think I need something done, it's a bit worrying.

It happens on a road where i'm going down quite a steep bank and braking to make a tight turn so I brake heavier than in most places. Also this part of the road has some biggish holes and bumps and this seems to bring on the problem.

When I am braking and I hit a bump, there is a thud and I feel it through the brake pedal, then a sort of grinding noise for about half a second after, during this time my brakes don't stop me even though I still have my foot on the pedal. It's not long enough to make me miss the bend but still quite a shock when it happens. Today after it happened I used a very steep bank near home to test my brakes, even braking harder than I was when I had the problem, and they seem fine, but it was a smooth surface and the bumping/bouncing seems to cause the problem.

Checked the brake fluid and it's on max.

It has only happened twice in the last month but twice too much for me, but being intermittant it could be hard for a mechanic to pinpoint the problem.

Does anyone have any ideas about what could be causing this?

Thank you!





  1. Read your handbook - it's the ABS cutting in!

  2. Yep, it's the abs doing its job.  When the wheel bounces it momentarily loses its grip, so the abs cuts in.  It cuts out again when the wheel regains its grip.

  3. I totally agree with JG, it is almost definitely nothing to worry about as it is just the ABS doing the job it was designed to do.

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