
Brazilian Highlands?

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Are the Brazilian highlands mountains? Or are they plateaus?




  1. There are high mountains here and there, but as far as higlands the most notable is the PLANALTO CENTRAL where Brasilia is located. Its a high desert with the CERRADO vegetation.

    Spreads trhu GOIAS, TOCANTIS and parts of MATO GROSS and MINAS states.

    To give you an idea, Brasilia, the capital, gets so dry in the winter, that the humidity drops to 11% sometimes, thats lower than the Sahara. Its terrible really.

    When they planed Brasilia in the late 50s, one of the things that they built was the artificial lake to boost a little bit the humidity.

    Minas Gerais has a lot of mountains too and so do Sao Paulo and Rio Grande do Sul.

    Even Rio has mountains, lots of them, in the middle of the city (where the Christ statue is, as well and Floresta da Tijuca) and not far from the city, where Petropolis/Teresopolis/Nova Friburgo are.

    Its very diverse.

  2. The plateaus is approximately half of the country, but in the north of  Brazil, close to the border with Venezuela, and along the Atlantic cost, they exist some high altitute mountains.

  3. There are mountains in the Brazilian Highlands - The highest point of the Brazilian Highlands is the Pico da Bandeira in the Serra do Caparaó, which stands at 2,891 meters (9,485 ft).

    But generally speaking the highlands are plateau regions.
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