
Breakfast basket for the Bride?

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My daughter is getting married in a few weeks, her wedding is at 11:30 in the morning and because we have to be up and one the road to the hair dressers at 7:00am I know that she will not eat prior to this. I was hoping to put together a basket of things for her and the rest of the bridal party to munch on while they are getting ready. Any suggestions on things that I could put in there that wouldnt be too messy?




  1. bagles or sweet breads



    granola and protien bars

    dry cereals

    cold veggies can be good

    deli meats for protien and energy


    and pleanty of napkins and litle plates

  2. Biscotti , tea, or coffee in non spill cups,  apples, or grapes.

  3. If you are going to be eating at home real quick, carnation instant breakfasts in the cans are great. You can also put in breads which aren't messy, and things like yogurts, or breakfast bars.

  4. fresh fruit - berries, grapes, apple slices

    scones/biscuits/muffins/breakfast loaf (you need some type of carbs)

    maybe cheese slices

    You might also want to bring some water/juice to have on hand.  

    the stuff you put in doesn't necessarily *need* to be breakfasty, if there is something else you know they'll snack on, then include it, the important thing is that they're well nourished for the big day ahead.

  5. Chocolate Milk



    Orange Juices

    Fruit Salad


    Bagels w/ cream cheeses

    Dry Cereal

    Instant Oatmeal

    Energy Bars

    Granola Bars

    Fruit Snacks (I love them lol)

    Be sure to send Straws, Bowls, Cutlery, Napkins, Wet Wipes

  6. Bananas.  They come in their own packaging and don't have to be washed!

    Hard-boiled eggs.  The girls need protein to get through the busy morning.

    How about making up some peanut butter and jelly sandwiches?  Heavy on the peanut butter (protein) but go easy on the jelly (it drips).  Maybe have some that are strawberry jam and some that are grape jelly.

    How about some pita bread, and a couple of the big containers of hummus?  Also some sliced cheeses and maybe lettuce leaves and sliced tomatoes?

    Here's a sandwich that's easy to prepare and pack.  It's filling, satisfying, and just a bit different.

    You can use pita pockets or any bread you choose.

    Set out some cream cheese to soften, then spread it on both slices of bread or both sides of the pita pocket.

    Sprinkle sunflower seeds on the cream cheese.

    Pile on sliced turkey and top with alfalfa sprouts.

    Oh - be sure to grab the bridesmaids and remind them that it is their job to make certain the bride eats!  Girls get excited and they forget.  :-)

  7. muffins and instant oatmeal, fruits

  8. The suggestions above are all good, but don't forget to include drinking straws if they are getting their makeup done! We had to go to the local McDonalds and steal some for my BFFs wedding in May lol...

  9. I was so nauseous on my wedding day (just nervous about the event, not the marriage!!!) that I would suggest 7-up and saltines!

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