
Breaking Dawn Theory Whats Yours?

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Well I have one of my own tell me what you think and then let me know yours.

The cover for Breaking Dawn is the chess pieces right. Well if you remember Alice and Edward were playing chess ( I dont have any page refrences or anything I just thought of it) and it was impossible because they knew what the other was going to do.

Maybe a big part of Breaking Dawn will be how Alice and Edward are playing mind games with the Volturi, to stay one step ahead of them, because they feel threated by the Cullen family. The Cullens are already the secondest largest coven and the Volturi already want Alice and Edward because of their powers. I think the Volturi already know that if Bella is turned into a vamp it could bring there empire crashing down because they know she will have some kind of super powers since she is not affected by theirs.

So the Volturi want Bella for themselves and if they cant have that they want her dead because she is such a threat.

Does that make sense?




  1. THE CHESS BOARD-I think that the chess board represents a war or a battle whether a physical or emotional one and one where in order to win you must constanly be thinking ahead of your opponet.

    THE PAWN-I beleive that the red pawn refers to Bella in her current and weak state and her feeling that she is also unable to contribute to this fight due to her weak state. It also shows that she ahs the ability to become more powerful by becoming a vampire as when a pawn reaches the end of the chess board it can be promoted to any other piece besides the king. I think it also shows that Bella is feeling issolated as she is the only piece other than the queen that can be seen on the board.

    THE QUEEN- I think that the queen reffers to the Volturi as they are often compared to being vampire royalty. Also, in a game of chess the queen is the msot powerful piece and the Volturi are the most powerful coven, also the queen has the most abilities, just as the Volturi have many vampires with abilities.  Also since it is the piece in the front of the chess board it may be shwoing how the Volturi are winning the war that is being fought.

  2. Those theories DO make sense! I hadn't thought of it that way at all.

    I don't have any thoughts on what's going to happen. I'm too excited to guess!

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