
Breast Augmentation/ last week soreness question?

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I had breast augmentation last week and i love the results so far... My question is for the ladies who have had the same. I have my one week post op appt tomorrow but I was wondering is it normal if one of my b*****s are more sensitive and sore than the other.

Reason why I ask is because I have been walking (bc I am a workout finatic) and although I have been keeping my heartrate under the 115 as suggested by my doc. The burse about jumped down my throat and told me not to over do it and I'm not.

Anyone had the same issue in terms of sensitivity?




  1. Well, I haven't any personal experience, but I do have a fair bit of practical experience.  I hope you've kept the girls well supported since the surgery, since you've been up walking for exercise purposes.  I'm not surprised you have some sensitivity at all.  In fact, I'm surprised it's only on one side that's the problem.  You have just added to the load the supportive muscles have to handle, and it's not a big wonder some of them are fussing.  You have to let them adjust, that's all.  Although they are both part of you, they are not the same exact part, and there will be some slight differences in how each girl reacts.  For starters, you no doubt have a favorite side for sleeping on, and you would also have a dominant foot for walking purposes.  So one side would be facing a few more demands, in terms of gravity and such- than the other.  You could also have some differences in terms of healing, and it's just too soon after the surgery to say much more.  Since you are up and around without any big problems, I'd say this is pretty much normal healing, and nothing to be really concerned about. As long as the wounds look nice, dry and no signs of infection are present, I think you are fine.  Just mention it to the doctor when you see him, and see what he's got to say.  

  2. Breast implants are designed for treatment of augmentation, reconstruction, and revision patients. However, the process has many risks that include reaction to anesthesia, blood accumulation, pain, and infection. There are many factors to be considered before deciding whether to get breast implants? Breast implants do not last forever, at the time of revision the risk of complications increases, it even effects in breast-feeding. For at least the first couple of weeks following the surgery physical activity should be avoided. To know about Breast augmentation visit the link

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