
Breastfeeding advice needed please?

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I would like to breastfeed my son who is due in October and I will also have the challenge of caring for a 12 month old at the same time. Has anyone else has kids so close together and managed to breastfeed the youngest? Any tips? My fear is that every time I go to feed the newborn, my daughter will need me and I don't know how I'll manage to breastfeed and take care of my older child. Any advice?




  1. I would take a look at one of these baby slings. Maybe you could use it while your daughter is around and you are trying to feed the baby. Of course, you will still want to have some time for just you and your baby, so I would get your little girl on a regular nap time schedule so you can use that time to just be with your newborn. Congrats!

    Here is a link for you:

  2. pacify the other one

  3. I think breastfeeding will save you much more time than bottlefeeding since you don't have to prepare formula, wash or sterilize bottles.  It is also the best thing for your new baby.  

  4. It is actually easier to breastfeed, you do not have to take the time to prepare bottles it does take a bit longer for the feeding process then bottle feeding but I found that not having to wash and prepare bottles gave me more time for other things..

    Pippen is right the slings are a wonder you can feed and still do things..

  5. I'm kind of confused as to why breastfeeding would be harder than bottle feeding. I mean, it takes the same amount of time right? And with breastfeeding you won't have to mess with fixing a bottle before you feed the baby. If anything, I would assume it'd be easier to breastfeed because it would be less time consuming. (You don't have to measure water, formula, wash and sterilize bottles, etc.)

    I think anything that takes time with a new baby might be a little difficult at first. That includes diaper changes and rocking to sleep and everything else.

    Do you have someone, a friend or relative, that can come over to help out with the older child until you get into the swing of things?

  6. Its easy to get a baby to relatch as long as the baby is not having difficulties breastfeeding (which would mean you should work with a lactation consultant)

    Breastfeeding is MUCH easier than bottle feeding.  When you breastfeed a baby you really don't have to pay much attention to positioning them.  However when you bottle-feed you have to make sure there isn't any air getting to the bottle nipple, and keep the baby at a good angle to prevent ear infections

    My two are 20 months apart and I breastfeed both of them.  

  7. Women have managed this for millenia.

    One of the many great things about nursing is that it takes only one hand -- or no hands, and you can do it anywhere, anytime.  Try wearing baby in a sling.  That way you can nurse as BABY requires, while still tending to your toddler. Even when you aren't wearing a sling, you can sit and nurse baby and use the other hand to do things for your toddler.

    (How would you take care of your daughter while bottlefeeding your son?)

  8. What you fear you create. Just don't worry about it sweetie. I have a friend that had a 14 month old and twin daughters. She was able to breastfeed twins and take care of a 14 month old. You will be just fine. You've learned how to eat one handed and cook one handed by now. You will just need to be able to play and chase with one arm holding your young one. :)  

  9. there is no doubt there will be challenges, but you will learn how to manage beautifully. timing is key, and you'll quickly figure out a schedule that works for everyone. in the beginning don't be afraid to ask for help; it'll take a lot of the stress off of you and people truly like to feel like they are needed.

    congratulations and get some rest!

  10. well the best advice i think would be is to put the 12 month one to sleep first and if u can t.ask your husband to keep her busy or play with her.

  11. A baby sling would be perfect for you...the baby can nurse while in the sling and it still gives you your 2 arms and mobility to cook/clean/play with your 12 month old etc...The sling is helpful as well for when they are about 5-6mos when they go through that stage where they just want to be held 24/7. That's when I used mine a lot because I couldn't even pee without my daughter in my arms, it was crazy...

    Just make sure you check the babies latch and that he/she can still breathe in there, but lots of mothers do it safely..just be aware of the baby...

    Congrats :o)

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