
Breastfeeding in Paris?

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Hi all,

I will be going to Paris for 4 months this year and I am wondering how socially acceptable breastfeeding is there. I have 3 kids to breastfeed, one is just a newborn.





  1. "I am American, living with my (French) husband and 4 month old son in Paris, France. I have encountered nothing but encouragement here; at least I don't detect criticism. There have been several occasions when either I or a friend have breastfeed in 'public' (bench on the street, parked car in commercial with door open, restaurants) where older women have actually stopped to speak with us, or simply watch for a few seconds with smiles of approval on their faces. I am normally as discreet as possible, covering my son under a light scarf if he'll tolerate it, but have never felt the need to stop feeding or flee to the bathroom."

    This came from someone off of:

    I think European countries are less puritan than we are in England or the US.  Good Luck and have fun!

  2. hello, you can have breastfeeding everywhere you want in france, even in cafés , it's very socially accepted, don't worry.

  3. No worry.  socially accepted.

    one issue though: many places will still welcome smokers!!!

  4. Three kids nursing?! You must feel like a human coconut.

    Honey, my heart is with you!


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