
Breastfeeding laws in my state

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Hi everyone! I am 36 weeks 1 day pregnant with my daughter and I plan on breastfeeding. I looked up the state laws in my state (Arizona) and it is lawful to breastfeed in public, but it is not the law to provide me with unpaid breaks to pump at work. My bosses are retarded and ridicule me for breastfeeding (Egotistical men of course) and they always are on point to throw the law in my face. What do you think I should do? I would need to pump at work after returning for my UNPAID maternity leave...(lovely company I work for eh?)





  1. I know this really isn't answering your question, but did you know American is one of only five countries that doesn't offer mandatory paid maternity leave...? It sucks, and I hope the best for you, men definitely aren't going to understand the basis behind your pumping so good luck to you.

  2. I feel you on the UNPAID Maternity leave. It is tough.I stayed home for two months and I used up all the money I saved up for my maternity leave. They say to stay home as long as possible to help with the bonding with the baby and to establish breast feeding.

    I do not have paid breaks at my job either. But I still breastfeeding and pump when I am at work. I get to work early to help make up the time, pump for 10 minutes in the morning (which ends up being a total of a 15 minute break) pump and eat at the same time for lunch (I have gotten good at this and it does not work with all the pumps...either the playtex embrace pump or Ameda Purely yours pump works) and then 15 minutes in the afternoon. I pump every 3 hours. Since my baby is "pretty much" on a set schedule for sleeping, I also pump in the morning before she wakes up (Monday thur Friday). I also try pumping on the weekends to help with the milk supply for the week.

    Also, try not to make more than one appointment within a week.

    Do what is best for your child. They cannot stop you from breastfeeding. I know there are laws out there to protect you from discrimination on breastfeeding.  

  3. Where do you work?  If it's a public place, like a restaurant, it's not illegal for you to nurse your baby there, sooooo bring your baby in, breastfeed her, then maybe they'll change their minds about giving you a few mins to pump :)

  4. Man, lame lame lame!  Maybe you should ask them if they would like to see that law implemented?

    In the meantime, I think you would just have to use your legally provided half hour and two fifteen minute "regular" breaks for pumping.  As the pp mentioned, though, see if LLL can provide you with more recourse.  Good luck dealing with those asshats.

  5. cant u pump before work and freeze it..

  6. You are supposed to, by law, get two 15 minute breaks and an hour lunch. You can pump during those times. Use a double electric pump for speed and efficiency. Medela Pump in Style and Ameda Purely Yours are the best.

  7. contact your league of leche and get support. I think that you have a right to unpaid 15 minutes break and you pump on your lunch break

  8. here's my little story. While my employer doesn't have to provide me with breaks to pump, they DO allow a 15 minute break every two hours in addition to lunch hour. So, there I am, every two hours, having a date with my breast pump for about 12 minutes (and longer during my lunch hour.) In the ladies' room, sitting on the toilet fully dressed revving up the pump, eyes rolling back in my head from relief of pressure. I HAVE to pump since one of the twins is allergic to EVERYTHING and cannot tolerate any formula made. Trust me, we've tried it. I never ever tell the moronic boss from h**l I'm going to go pump. I simply say "I'm going on a break." and head to the restroom. What would he be able to do? Interrogate me on what I'm doing in the bathroom?

    Hope this helps... actually, not a lot of info, just my story, and mostly because I was looking for you to see if you ahd had your lil princess yet. Good luck, hon. I did the unpaid leave thing, as well, for three months. Going back to work really bites.

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