
Brides from Ukraine?

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I live in the city of Bangalore in India. I am interested in a woman from Ukraine for marriage. I have tried many websites. But it is all confusing and much money is wasted. Please let me know the best method to contact the right ukraine woman for marriage?




  1. Ok, some of the answers before were not very nice.

    Here is the truth about the online dating industry in what is called the mail or brides area from Ukraine and Russia. The only purpose those websites are designed the way they are is to make money as it is a complete scam.

    The girls that are on the site are paid to be on the site, trust me I live in the Ukraine and it is completely true. The payment structure is different from site to site or from the local agency that the girls work for.

    It works like this often the girl is paid around 200 dollars a month and is required to go to the agency to chat or email with foreign men. Sometimes girls get paid in other ways as well but I will give you and any one else who is smart enough to look into the marriage agency scams before they spend $4000 to $5000 dollars for a trip to the Ukraine.

    The girls get paid often:

    10 to 20 cents per minute of chat- so if you think they are dragging out the conversation, they are!

    For every letter that is opened they get around $1 dollar- so if the letter you receive seems like a form letter, well it is. Also notice when they write you back they will talk about things that do not have anything you wrote to them, except a line or two.

    When you get to the Ukraine you will pay about 40 dollars to meet the girl, which she gets part of this money and the agency gets part.

    You will pay for a translator 10 to 20 dollars an hour- this is a good one as sometimes the girl speaks english just fine but plays like she does not and will split the translators fee with the translator.

    You also will hear well in the Ukraine it is custom to buy a girl a present on a date, trust me they will take you to the most expensive shops for this.

    You will also get to take them and her friends to the most expensive restaurants in town, more the better right?

    And when you come to the part of the evening when it is time to say good bye, you will get a kiss on the cheek. This will be expected from you as you are told she is a "good girl" during your date. This is actually most commonly the furtherest from the truth with the girls that are on the websites.

    I am sorry my friend you have spent so much money on the websites and suggest that you stop doing that as it is not real. Sometimes the girls are actually just sitting in front of the camera and guys are doing all the typing, not such a turn on right?

    My best advice to anyone is to forget about what your online girl is telling you as she is only making money from you. Now that sucks but it is the truth!

    I live and work in the Ukraine and have seen this happen so many times to men, it is terrible but you must try to forget the girls as they will only lie and cheat you. The girls that work those sites are usually dating someone, married and besides the belief that is put out there by all the different websites, they have not much desire to leave their country to move so far away from their family.  

    Save yourself some grief and wake up as the old saying is "if it is to good to be true, it most likely is"!

  2. going to Ukraine is best, but I am guessing you're unattractive, so that won't help either

  3. I was on the free dating site and nobody paid me for that or anything else.

    Here is the site, not an agency (it helped me to find my now friend, we're happy together for more than 2 years).

    Then in search chose country - Ukraine and age you prefer in women.

  4. The only thing that you have to be careful is that she does not see your face..

  5. I think Jackeyis is saying mostly the truth. But I don't think all the Ukrainian girls are like that. Some are enticed by the money. Some don't have much family so they are ready to leave. Some want to go diffferent or better country. I am in the same situation you are. I want to marry an Ukrainian girl. But I will personally find out if they are real or not. I met a few girls in Russia. I have chatted to some girls that told me they loved me! What a bunch of BS!!! So some of them are scamming but I hope to find a few who are not. Try these sites: or Okay...these site have been scrutinized but you never know! You may find your dream girl. But never send them money! Meet them first! If all else fails...get laid at least and enjoy the country. I am willing to take the risk to go over there. If I don't find her then at least I had a nice vacation in Ukraine. Good luck my friend...and I am not ugly...just can't stand stuck American girls! Poka:)
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