
Britain Laurayne or Leighton Khylar?

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My husband and I are having a baby girl in a few weeks and we are tied on these two names. We already have a son Noah Garrett, and a daughter Madalyn Pate. So give your opinion. No suggestions please.




  1. I like Laurayne, but spelt Lorraine- it's less convoluted.  Leighton is a boy's name or a surname.  I don't like either British or Khylar (one is a nationality and the other, I'm not sure what it is!)

  2. Laurayne Khylar is beautiful in my opinion. That way you get the best of both names!

  3. Britain Laurayne is simply beautiful. I love it. The name Britain sounds like a carefree girl who is confident and knows what she wants in life. I also love Leighton Khylar. It is different and unique and gives a since of toughness. I will love the name even more if the girl ends up being a major girly girl.  

  4. Madalyn is a variation of Madeline




    Woman from Magdala

    Derived from the French Madeleine which was taken from Magdala, a biblical place name for a village located on the Sea of Galilee and the home of Mary Magdalene, a follower of Jesus. Also a literary name for the heroine in a series of children's books created by author Ludwig Bemelmans. Listed among the top 100 since 1994.


    Marcel  Marc


    Madelyn  Madalynn  Madilyn  Madalyn  Madelynn  Madeleine



    FAMOUS Madelines

    Madeleine L'Engle (children's author)  Madeline Kahn (actress)  Madeleine Stowe (actress)

  5. leighton khylar =)

  6. Not a fan of either, but if I had to pick I'd go with Leighton Khylar.  

  7. None of the above.  Your children will grow to resent their gawd-awful names.  Why not name them something that can be spelled and pronounced?  Your first two have reasonable and normal names, why stick your third with something outlandish?  Just a thought.

  8. I'd go with Leighton Khylar, mostly because leighton is very recognizable as a name and the other children have "normal" names, while britain is a nation and would seem out of place

    on the negative side, leighton does seem more of a boys name to me, but could possibly be one of those that goes to the girls side

  9. I love the name Britain Laurayne

    I have a Madalyn too and I love the name Noah!

  10. Khylar is one of the stupidest names ever. Ever. It sounds like a stuffed up 3 year old trying to say "Tyler". Britain, eh? Well, do what you will.

    Edit: Pate? Like scalp?

  11. I think britain laurayne is better. It just flows well.

  12. I like Leighton Khylar

  13. I like them both!

  14. I like Leighton Khylar... very pretty and unique.

  15. My son's name is Khyler so I of course will be choosing that one but have you thought about switching the two names around Khylar Leighton?? Just a thought. Noah, Madalyn and Khylar sound really good together:)

  16. Well, for the first time since I've signed up here, I'm actually going to leave an EW comment.


    Britain, seriously? Laurayne is spelled Lorraine. Leighton is terrible (don't care if you like that actress) and Khylar makes me cringe.

    I feel kinda sorry for your other daughter, too. Pate? "pait" or "pah-tay", like the food, pâté? A meat paste. Wow.

    Also: pate: anatomically, a somewhat archaic or poetic word for the top of the head.

    *shakes head in disbelief*

    Your children will be adults one day, and elderly. Never forget that.

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