
Britain imperial power on india????

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hi just wanted the exact date for the question below and the how as well.

explaind how and when the british imperial power gained control of india




  1. They used the tactics of Divide and conquer and superior firepower. The British got themselves invited into India for their commerical tea business, then settled in and stayed. They picked fights between the locals and came in on the side of one against the other. Eventually they had it all.

    Background: It started with the founding of commercial companies in England (the East India Company, founded in 1600). British company agents became familiar with Indian customs and languages, including Persian, the unifying official language under the Mughals.  In 1717 the Mughal emperor, Farrukh-siyar (r. 1713-19), gave the British--who by then had already established themselves in the south and the west--a grant of thirty-eight villages near Calcutta, acknowledging their importance to the continuity of international trade in the Bengal economy.

    **In year 1765, Robert Clive (British) defeated the Mughal forces using Indian soldiers, and the Mughal emperor (Shah Alam, r. 1759-1806) conferred on the company administrative rights over Bengal, Bihar, and Orissa, a region of roughly 25 million people with an annual revenue of 40 million rupees. This imperial grant virtually established the company as a sovereign power, and Robert Clive became the first British governor of Bengal.

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