
Broken arm!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

by  |  earlier

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ok i was playing netball yesterday and fell backwards and put my arm out to brake my fall. and today my arm is soooo sore??? is it broken? its the bone that is connected to my thumb( i kept on playing after that)




  1. if you can move it, i don't think it's broken but you should have a doctor check it out.

  2. you would know if it was broken. If it was broken, you would have been in a lot of pain..probably even cried when it happend. So no, your arm isnt probably just bruised it.

  3. i did the same thing once. i did a flip and started falling down on my head. i hyperextended me elbow.. if you can bend your fingers i would say your ok.. but if you have trouble and it continues to hurt you should go to your doctor and get an x ray.

  4. If it is very sore and swollen you should ice it, take an anti-inflammatory medication (Ibuprofin alternated with Tylenol for pain), and go to Emergency, since it is the weekend.  There a doctor will probably  send you for an x-ray, and if it is broken, you will get a cast.

  5. if you cant move your fingers and you cant lift your arm up then its probably broken, other than that then its swollen and might take a LONG time til you can bend it and twist it and stuff.

    go see a doctor

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