
Brother abuse! im balling please help!

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Okay so this morning i got a bowl of cereal and it was a big one. and my brothers like fatty. and im not even fat, he is. but anyway he called me a bunch of names. then he called me stupid and i said id rather be stupid then g*y. (he's not g*y and i have nothing against g**s!) then he said a bunch of other mean stuff. then i said geeze stay away from those boys. and i walked away. and he said "what did you say!" and im like "you heard me" then he hit me across the head and i started crying and said "f****s!" and he came and hit me really hard! i spilt my cereal. then my mom just told him to stop. my moms a ***** i hate her. and my dad too. (he's at work) but no one ever stands up for me. well i havae to babysit in like 5 hours. and im kinda close to the mom. we go on vacations together with her husband and the kids. those kids love me, she once let a student (she's a teacher) stay at her house for a long time cuz his parents were messed up. what should i do? i've been gitting hit and sworn at by my brother(s) since i was little! by the only 14 and he's 20. HELP! should i ask who i babysit for if i can stay with them? should i tell her the story? thanks a bunch!

and please dont say ignore him..i've tried and it doesnt work! sooo alls i want to know is would the police take me away? and could i live with the kids if they said yes?





  2. Call CPS or 1-800-4ACHILD to report abuse.

  3. man oh man. you must have a really hard life. i feel sorry for anyone that has to go through that. tell her the story and then i think that you should ask her if you could stay with her for a little while. then, have you and her go to the police station. but, you would have to have proof of what is going on! then, you might have to go thru the court and if they would want to adopt you, then they might be able to, but it depends. this has happened to someone i knew except her parent were abusing her. You are old enough to stand up in front of the judge and go against your family. Your parents could be charged with child neglect, because they are letting you get harmed!! I am 14 too, so if you ever need any advice or help, email me!!!

    Good Luck Hunnn♥

  4. Wow, sweetheart, I'm so sorry this happened to you. As far as your brother goes, if you were to contact the authorities they would take action to either have you removed from the dangerous situation at home, or to have your brother removed. This could also be a problem because your brother could end up being jailed for hitting a minor. This must be so hard for you, your brother needs to grow up and realize that to him, you are a child, and doing what he's doing is damaging your relationship with him. You're his little sister for ****'s sake! :( This other lady you babysit for, if you truly find her trustworthy, then please do explain to her what is happening, that way at least one adult can testify for you if needed. If you feel you don't want to bring the authorities into play just yet, you might want to follow your own advice and arrange a stay at her house for a week or so. Be strong, good thoughts your way. Peace and love.

  5. Read over your question. You are bringing your own meanness to the situations you find yourself in, which causes them to escalate. So you are partly responsible for the grief you are getting because you are giving your own grief. I would suggest you do ignore him or at least not give him reason to be meaner to you than he might be.

    And just so that you know, it is "bawling" and not "balling". You really don't want people to think that you are balling.

  6. omg. that is horrible. and why didn't ur mom stick up for u when u were the one who was hurt??? i think u should tell ur mom. and if she doesn't be live u then stay with then ppl u r babysitting. im srry about wat ur brother does to u and wat u have to go through. i know it must be hard on u.

  7. tell the babysitter EVEYTHING

    i'm really sorry for, i'll keep you in my prayers =)

  8. you should see if you can get taken away so contact the police or court

  9. You should one talk to your mom 2 fight back 3 take some type of martial arts like tae kwon doe and kick his rump!

  10. he loves u..he is just ruff my sisters started sayin im a girl n i realized we couldn't play ruff anymore..there isn't no point in leaving though..your parents dont pay it attention cause its been happening so long..unless he hit u fist first like a ufc fight he didn't try to hurt u..maybe a little but not like if he would had did someone else who hit and my sisters dont get along,we cool,but i still hit them not like fightin more to irritate them just jabbin they leg a lil or somethin till they get mad..its my sisters..we would fight for real when we were young but not 21 n dont live there...but we did get into when i did but id jus leave cause u can say **** that other people wouldn't he's 21 and feels he has to prove urself...not to u,but to himself..n its hard when u get mad to realize not to hit u..n trust he doesn't or u would be bruised especially if he is as fat as u to him

  11. ask if you could stay with the teacher, thats what im gnna do with my situation, remove myself, please answer mine;...

  12. If your brothers are physically and/or emotionally abusing you and your parents won't put a stop to it, then you should talk to someone about it - a teacher, pastor or some adult family member that you trust.  A certain amount of mouthing off to each other and arguing is normal sibling rivalry between brothers and sisters. However, since your brother is an adult, he should know better than to use physical force against you.  Try talking to someone and see if they can intervene with your parents on your behalf. Maybe if someone else lets them know how upset you are, they will pay more attention.  Hopefully, it won't come down to you having to leave home.  There are other options to work through your problems before it would come to that.  

  13. 1) if your mom helps out other kids, get her to help you out

    2) yes, you could probably ask them, I'm sure they'd help out in some way

    3) Thats child abuse, illegal, you may call child services, or the police if you wish (He can be charged with assualt among other things)

    4) I am being serious, get a bat and beat the c**p out of him

  14. ohh thats a tough one. well i dont really think the police would take you away. they would put your brothers in jail bacause your parents arent the oness hitting you. you might be able to stay with the kids you babbysit for but they would have to like adopt you if you wanted to live with them for like every. but your parents would have to agree. and by the way im 14 too. i have two older brother i no what you mean byt brother whos 16 does that too me all the time. but my mom goes phyco on him. my older brother whos 21 doesnt do that tho. but he did once and my mom told him he could be put in jail for  doing that kid of thing to a girl my age. so im pretty sure your brothers if they are old enough can either be put in jail or juvi.

    tell the baysitter.

    thats child abuse.

    she will call for help.

  15. Grow up, already.  Jesus.

    That's not abuse, sweetie.

    It's called bickering, and if you haven't noticed, most siblings do that.

    If he hit you, hit him back.

  16. tell the babysitter and trash your brothers room and your parents hit your brothers a*s with a bat just don't go to far and kill him  

  17. you should for sure talk to the lady you babysit for and ask her if she would take temporary custody of you i you were to press charges against your brother. im pretty sure that if you did press charges, you could ask the judge if he/she would release you into the custody of that woman. dont take any s*** from your brother either. i know he's 20 and your 14, but no woman should have to stand there and take. he knows he hurt you, youve told him to stop, he's crossed the line. good luck and i hope everything works out for you.

  18. You should not have been calling him names and he should not have been calling names either. That's just regular brother-sister/family stuff. The moment he hit you though, it stopped being an argument and became an assault.If I (or you do) believed you were in imminent danger I would say call the police immediately. But I sense that at the moment you are in no danger. If that's not true, then get out of the house and call the police.

    I believe you should tell your brother, your mother and your father that the next time your brother hits you, you will call the police. Then he knows what to expect. The next time- if he does hit you- you must call the police. Your parents should be protecting you and they are not.So This also tells your parents what to expect and hopefully they will wake up!

    As for the teacher, I think you can talk to her. If you tell her about what's going on, she MAY be legally obligated to tell the police, sicne she's a teacher. It would depend on the law where you live.

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