
Brothers Craig and Chris Jones

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does anyone know if Chris Jones (14 yrs old died at the start line when he stalled) was related in any way to Craig Jones who was killed at brands hatch on sunday when he was hit by another rider




  1. No they werent related, just a very sad coincidence:-(

  2. OH My goodness - just the heading of this post

    and I've had to fight to keep my heart in -

    Assuming you are referring to Cadwell Park

    British 125's three years ago - there is no

    relation what so ever -

    I believe the feeling to be the same for everyone -

    - but I just couldn't take hearing another incident -  

    We are all aware of the risks involved within this

    particular sport and surprisingly, but thank God,

    they are few and far between. We accept and

    expect that crashing etc is all part and parcel of

    the sport we love and admire so much -

    Regardless of it's rarity - it cunnarf bring home

    some real heart breaking tragedy's - x*x -

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